
Showing posts from March, 2022

To the First Born

 This blog is dedicated to all First born.This is a letter by a Parent to First Born. Dear First born, You were the First.....   The First who helped the Parent to overcome fears and anxiety of being a Parent. The day I came to know about you and saw you for the first time in the Ultrasound image,doubts and anxiety engulfed me. But first time I heard your cry,held you,hugged you.....tears of joy,happiness and confidence in myself as a Parent surged all into me. The First to call me " Mom". The First by who's name I was known.Till date,I was known because of my work. But your existence, your achievements, your success.....made rest call me "Mom of my First born". My achievements didn't bring as much satisfaction as much as your endeavors . The ecstatic and enthralling feeling your milestones made me experience in every aspect of your life is beyond words. First born is the first SPECIMEN on which all experiments of Good Parenting are conducted.  The results i