To the First Born

 This blog is dedicated to all First born.This is a letter by a Parent to First Born.

Dear First born,

You were the First.....  

The First who helped the Parent to overcome fears and anxiety of being a Parent.

The day I came to know about you and saw you for the first time in the Ultrasound image,doubts and anxiety engulfed me.

But first time I heard your cry,held you,hugged you.....tears of joy,happiness and confidence in myself as a Parent surged all into me.

The First to call me " Mom".

The First by who's name I was known.Till date,I was known because of my work.

But your existence, your achievements, your success.....made rest call me "Mom of my First born".

My achievements didn't bring as much satisfaction as much as your endeavors .

The ecstatic and enthralling feeling your milestones made me experience in every aspect of your life is beyond words.

First born is the first SPECIMEN on which all experiments of Good Parenting are conducted. 

The results if Good are appreciated. 

But if Bad are rectified and improvised with the subsequent kid.

The First born is the Guinea Pig of our Parenting Style.

The First Born is our First Teacher.

Before becoming Parent,we read so many books,attend workshops and bombarded with advices and suggestions. 

But the real Practical Teacher is our First Born. 

Dear First Born,you were the first to teach us what Parenting is actually about.

As First Parent, I was either over cautious,over zealous,overprotective about everything. Or due to me early days of career, I missed some things and couldn't participate in every part of your daily antiques and activities. But with my next kid,I learnt to be calm,composed and in control.

I went running to the Doctor, for every small reason out of panic with my First born.

But my First born, prepared me and gave me confidence as a parent to become a Parent again.I am grateful 🙏. 

First born will always be so by virtue of birth.

The First Born always feels that parents give less attention to them,give them more responsibility  and they get more reprimand compared to the siblings.

But my dear First born,Parents have more expectations out of you  and more trust in you as you were their first experience in Parenting  

Emotions voiced by disgruntled First born when the Parent misses their White Coat Ceremony ( I missed my First Born 's First most important event of Career as Doctor).....

M y Dear ,thanks for guiding us to good that big mistake was rectified by attending the subsequent kid's White Coat Ceremony. 

The First Born learn to be more mature and responsible as they learn to share the " undivided" love and attention of their Parent with other siblings at a very younger age.By virtue of birth,the First Born becomes a Guardian at a very young age. 

To My Dear First Born............

I gave birth to you,but you didn't come with instructions. 

I know I made mistakes along the way and for those I am sorry. 

I pray that you understand that they come from me not knowing and not from lack of love.

From the moment you were born, my heart was yours.

I looked in your eyes,and saw all my hopes and dreams come alive in you.

Today,I see myself in you ; the way you act; the things you do; in everything I see myself in you.

So proud,so happy, so grateful. 


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