Agnee- Path


Agnee = Fire
Path- in English means Way....Road.

Feiry Way.......

Do you remember of village melas...festival fairs.....
A man would blow fire....
Walk over hot charcoal fire......

As a kid all this would be exciting to see......
I would wonder.... Can I too try these stunts????

Childhood is full of innocence and simple life Small things give immense joy.

As we grow.....Expectations increase.
When reality doesn't meet the demands of ever expecting mind.......

We start blowing out fire....
Path we tread....feels like Hot Charcoal......

Ambition is good for growth.
But an impatient mind.......wants that growth to be fast......
Expectations race ahead.....
Reality lags behind......
Peer Pressure adds fuel to the developing frustration......
Social Media makes us Cynical......

Is Social Network bad????
No.Technology and Digitalisation has made life easy.
Social Media has made communication easy.
Globe has shrunk.Anything ,Everything....Anyone....Everyone can be sought with click of a finger in front of us.....
When quality of life.....standard of living....opportunities.....have improved.....
Why am I always angry????
Angry at myself....
Angry at my surroundings....
Angry at people around me......
Cynical.... Sceptical......Disgruntled.

The reason is.......
Impatience......Technology helps in reducing the percentage of errors, deficiency, faults, any work we do......
The efficiency of a making life seek perfection in everything and " Everyone ".......
We forget that in the end we are Humans.
To err is to Human......
Nobody and Nothing is Perfect in Life....
That's the Beauty of Life and being a Human.....
Impatient mind strives for Perfection in everything and everyone.....Expects Perfection.......
But Reality shows Imperfections and Deficits.....and ever Lacking.......
This gives birth to the Rat Race in Life ....
The Tug of War....between Wanting vs Getting.....
Expectations  vs Reality ......
When the balance of life tips more towards Expectations.......
We end up ever being Dissatisfied with everything and everyone.
The Cyncism and Scepticism over rides so much......we overlook our achievements.
We fail to appreciate our efforts and fruits of hard work.
We neglect surroundings 
We see only the Deficiency of people with us ....and Society around us.
The warmth and affection showered by our near and dear ones is neither visible to our eyes.....nor do we make time to enjoy it.
The beauty of nature gies Un noticed.....
Our eyes see only the dug roads,filth,and poverty around.
The fragrance of flowers and chirping birds,humming bees neither smelt nor heard anymore.....
Only stench and pollution.....
Roaring raging Traffic.....
We no longer find pleasure in simplicity....
Materialistic achievements are given  more priority.......
Mind is always under stress,conflict and Aggression.

Agnee- Path......Agnee- us.....Agnee around us.
Dear Friends......
Things had been more challenging yesterday....
Things had deficits and were imperfect too.....
But yesterday we were more happy.....even with nothing......
Today.....inspite of having everything.....we are unhappy.....
Making our Tomorrow sorry.

If we want our Tomorrow to be satisfactory......
Choose a " Happy " Today......
Choose Happiness......
Be Patient.....
Be Positive....
Be Empathetic......
Be Consistent.....
Be appreciative and encouraging.....
Life is Imperfect....People are Imperfect.....We are Imperfect.....
That's why the Challenges.....
That's why the struggle......
That's it's Beauty.....
Happiness is a choice.....And Simple things give immense create memories for a satisfying Tomorrow. 


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