How too much?????

 How much Too much?????

I happened to visit my Paediatrician friend. An IAS officer brought her 2 month baby for check up.The baby was crying while passing urine.Urine tests and culture showed no infection. The concerned Mother showed a methodically maintained book on number of times the 2 month was breastfed,pooped, burped,passed motion,flatulence..body temperature..etc etc....We were surprised by minute details noted every moment of the newborn by the apprehensive but diligent new Mom.
Now we come to the part .....How too much????
To maintain asepsis....the overtly careful mom.....had wiped the private parts of the baby ...each time it passed urine or motion.....with concentrated hospital Savalon antiseptic solution......
This resulted in inflammation of the baby's soft mucosa over private parts.....making every passing of urine agonizing and burning.......
Today,we have Apps and gadgets....Technology and information.....which help us monitor and modify our every activity and accounts every action.
We can monitor our details by weighing each component of our food entering our body.
We can measure fluids intaken.
We monitor sleep.
We monitor our vitals- Pulse,Blood pressure, Heart( ECG),Lung( Vmax O2),....blood tests mammography, non invasive Tests......
The positive side of this Deligent attitude in Modern improving eating habits,fitness and healthy lifestyles......
Regular checkups,daily monitoring of body.....does help us many times to detect abnormalities and diseases.
But when we overtly do it as an Obsession.......
Makes me ask " How too much??????
Covid and post Covid.....made every one realise importance of health,hygiene,and sanitation.
Many gadgets,apps,technology got flooded.....providing loads of information and tools to execute and monitor.
But it did increase " OCD- Obsessive  Compulsive Disorder"......which drove people to overtly monitor, exercise,diets, sanitation, hygiene,undergo tests,monitor every thing....and fancy machines......
Infinite endless.....monitoring of every aspect......
Today,I find as a Doctor......many cases of anxiety ( especially trying to chase that ideal blood tests values,bodyweight, perfect lifestyles, fitness goals.......)  .....
Health issues.....deficiencies....resulted due to fad diets,overtly exercising,......
Recently media was full of news of young athletes,filmstars,....bodybuilders.....Fitness freaks....collapse in Fields and Gyms due to Heart attack.....
Is being Ignorant a bliss????
No.we do need to be careful and well educated and aware of our health and lifestyle.
We do need to be diligent about our diet,fitness,and daily activities.
We do require monitoring our heart, sugars,vitals and organ functioning ....Regular intervals to detect many conditions and diseases.....
Some vitals do require daily monitoring in serious conditions......
But in a normal circumstance.......we don't require minute monitoring of details daily basis .
Monitoring and Lifestyles need to be within limits.......
So " A Too Much.."....may  be disastrous ......
So do ask yourself.......How much.....and am I Too much.......??????


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