Perils of Nuclear Family

 The Perils of Nuclear Family.

A young newly married girl ,23-24 yrs of age came into Casualty with severe bleeding and abdominal pain. We recorded a very low Blood pressure and she looked very pale.Ultrasound revealed Ectopic pregnancy with expelling products and blood in Pouch of Douglas.She required immediate Surgery and Blood transfusion.
But she had no accompanying person with her.The kind neighbor who brought her to Hospital went back to her work.
The patient 's husband was outstation for a day due to job.She and her husband were alone here and their families were in Bihar.
Nowadays, we don't do even Emmergency procedures without attender accompanying patient.
Mr X ,a 75 yr old man,was brought into Casualty in unconscious state by kind neighbors. They admitted him in the hospital and left.The entire stay in hospital, nobody visited Mr X.His both kids were abroad His wife had passed away.His relatives stayed in another state.
These instances I  am seeing very very often.
Families no longer stay together.
The concept of " Joint Family".... The big extended Families staying together is totally lost.
Everyone is drifting apart.
Recently, my Friend was narrating another instance.
Her son is a prospective groom.Well educated and has joined the Family business.
He is unable to find a Bride.
It's because he has a big Family who stays under one roof.
The code name used...." Lots of Furnitures in the house"......
Parents of the Groom ....are termed" Furnitures"......a responsibility added.
Youth aspires City for the career opportunities and Freedom.
But unfortunately they don't realise....that during is Family and people living with us.....who take our responsibility and care.
The Family that lives together.....stays forever.
Yes,Jobs,careers are important for our personal growth.....personal space.
But for our mental health and's Family who supports us.
It's appalling.....
Once upon a time....." Vasudaiva Kutumbakam"..... whole world is my Family....was concept.
But today......Sologamy....loving and being with oneself......or.... " Raja Rani".....and a in trend.
The Perils of Nuclear Family are more than " Pearls".......


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