Ahum.Me,Myself, My Happiness. 

This is the Mantra of every person today. We want our next generation to follow the same. 

We forget.....had our past generations thought or had same feelings.....new Inventions helpful to mankind globally would never have happened. India would never have got independence. Human beings itself would never have evolved if Adam and Eve had thought this way. 

Today, Globally we are evolved in all respects. Life is convenient. So many opportunities are available. Technology is bringing people and great minds to think of others. 

It is Philanthropy and love of human race towards each other, Empathy and Sympathy towards weak....These feelings have brought in revolutions and evolutions.

But today, man is tending towards a plateau of satisfaction and satiety. No Hunger or Aggression.

This is leading to Apathy and Selfishness. The Ahum or Me in Myself is getting more relevance than...Our,ANYA, and our Society.


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