Exam Antiquities

 Exam antiquities.....

As Exams come closer, the scenario in every hostel becomes 🔥 but entertaining. 

Variety of antiquities. Very mystique.Very Unique.Very hilarious. 

1.The Rockers, the Shakers, the movers and the bangers.

Some people sit in some corner of the terrace and keep rocking and byHearting. The Rocking movement can be to and from,Sideways or Front Back.Sometimes only the Head and at times the whole body.

Some people only Shake like Cha Cha Cha.

Some keep moving from one end to another. Either the steps are short like Fox trot or A stride like a Lion Growling.

2. The Dozers 

These ever have a book on their lap.But eyes are ever closed. Like in Deep trance or meditation. If aroused...they get flustered as if someone has disturbed them from their Meditative stance.

3.The Bangers.

These people are noisy. They study very loudly and keep banging the wall or the bed.They in between put their Stereos to full volume.so competition who is louder.The stereo or their Vocabulary. 

4. The Turbans.

Some people have habit of tying a cloth around their head. I think they don't want their knowledge to escape outside.

5.The Owls.

The anxiety of the Exams keeps them awake. These guys after a few days start looking also like one.Pale,Dark circles around eyes, sunken Cheeks. 

I have seen some roll up their mattress and sit perched on a stool just like an Owl.

6.The Butterflies.

These people keep moving around the whole hostel from one room to another. Just inquisitive to see how much the other person has read.

Just like our Social Butterflies.

7.The Devdas.

These are ever in Depression. They roam around whole hostel like Devdas. Telling people how lady luck seems slipping away,eluding them always.

6.The Pompous. 

These guys are know all,Tell all,and super over confident.They will keep rattling formulae,Or something Pagewise or Describe some unknowntopics.and You start wondering " Boss,Haven't ever heard or done it.".Panic starts in Hostel.

7.The Hustlers and Bustlers 

These create confusion,chaos and confusion in the hostel." Guys,Paper got leaked. ( they never get it though).This year very tough paper. This year very strict examiners.List is endless.".Just leave the snake out and run away.


These are happy go lucky.They live in their own sweet world. They are least bothered about hostel antiquities. 

My List is endless. 

But lesson learnt was Hard work and sincere studying through out the year is the one and only Mantra for good performance in exams.

But also that the true exam is taken by LIFE. 

How strongly we face in that exam proves how successful we fare.


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