Parental Love

 Parental Love.

What is Parental Love?पुत्र मोह debatable. It is Blind love towards Duryodhan by Dhritarashtra because of which Mahabharat happened. 

I was in ICU received 2 boys one with head injury and another with neck injury. 

Also I was For their respective surgeries and followed them post operative period. 

Though the 2 boys survived the surgery post trauma, but unfortunately they were left with morbidity. One boy was left Quadriplegic. Another was in Coma for 1year. 

The2 boys were just 17/18yrs old. They had a long life but difficult path now. 

They had both gone on bike for long drive for New year party. They got drunk and did wheely bike stunts in high speed. They lost balance and fell on their head and neck.

The high Adrenaline of youth took big price. 

As parents we want best for our kids.At young age provide them with smartphones, bikes,Cars and Cash. And proudly show off their achievements not relatable to their age and encourage them. The young minds have no control over their urges and pleasures .often landing into untoward, unwanted incidents. 

Overindulgence and unwanted Freedom to kids goes overboard. 

We must teach our kids to lead a responsible life.otherwise repent throughout our life.


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