The Umblical Chord

The Maternal Chord 

The connection of the baby with its mother starts right from the womb.Through the umblical chord. 

I was called to give Sedation to a fetus of 20weeks in utero for MRI to rule out spina bifida. 

The fetus was moving a lot making MRI difficult. 

I thought " How will I give Anaesthesia to a fetus which is inside the womb. 

I came with the idea of Umblical chord connection of Mother to Fetus. 

The anxious mother if sedated will relax the fetus. So I sedated the mother. We did the fetal anomaly MRI. 

Dear Readers, especially young mothers, the off spring is connected to you right from conception through the umblical chord. An overtly anxious mother passes on the Endorphines and Enkaphalines to the fetus through this umblical chord. 

So all the Anxieties, Pessimism, Negative Thoughts, Depressive thoughts etc enter into the new born unknowingly right in the womb itself. 

How many of you remember Abhimanyu who learnt about Chakravyuh in the womb itself. 

It is not myth. It is reality. 

My Advice to dear Readers, please bring positive thoughts, Pragmatic attitude,Happiness and Spirituality in you. You will  pass on the same feelings to your offspring.


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