When there is Focus

 Where there is focus......

This blog is written with the intention of motivating youth and kids to do well in life in all fronts.....personal and professional. Especially Girls.

My story till today.......

I have been an AVERAGE...Kid ... average in intelligence and looks as well.

But as a ĢIRL.... a fireball.

Very ambitious, determined and gritty.

So in school and college, I have been encouraged by many due to my hardworking attitude.

But also got to hear harsh words which would have demoralised me .

" You are not smart enough to get this HIGH MARKS.".

You can never be able to get medical seat  with such low scores in Prelims.

You can never get Post graduate seat with average intelligence. 

I have been told on face" Your face is not smart.Looking at you....I bet you will never become Doctor.or anything in Life".

But all this didn't deter me from hard work . Instead it motivated me ,determination became stronger.

I did get a medical seat both UG and PG in  one of India 's top medical schools. 

I became Anaesthesiologist. 

As I reached mid 20s..... I was ridiculed for my average looks,Stout and short body.

" God knows who will like you? 

Will she get a good husband?".

But,I was confident of my attitude and personality. 

I did get married to a very Handsome Ophthalmologist who was the only person other than my Dear Father has said " Do in your life whatever YOU love.and which brings happiness in yourself".

I started private freelance Anaesthesia practice.

We were hardly 4/5 ladies in private practice. 

" You are woman with small kids.

You are so young ( 26yrs).

Heights of sexism was " You are called by Male surgeon cause of your beauty especially when you bend to intubate".

The long and unscheduled working hours of private anaesthesia practice did cause conflicts at home.

But I could understand that...those emotions and outbursts are out of love and concern towards my own little ones. 

But I tried very hard to give full attention to my kids.I adjusted my Operations to participate in their various activities. 

It was tough and taxing....emotionally and physically. 

I never lost FOCUS as to What I want from my life.

Then I thought of doing my Fellowship at age 35yrs in Pain& Palliative care medicine.

With 2 small kids and a busy Anaesthesia practice....Impossible. 

But I am gritty.

I did get a Fellowship and started my Pain clinic.

I was the first female " PRIVATE " Pain practioner. 

" You will be failure.

You have very Tough competition. 

You are too young to be trusted.

You are mad to leave a busy Anaesthesia practice for something unknown in this part."

I am determined and focussed.

With support of parents,in laws,Husband ,my lively kids,and the dear friends and well wishers in medical and non-medical fields......I have been able to achieve whatever I dreamt of in my Life.

I may not be very successful, famous,Rich, powerful compared to many. But I have been managing to come closer to my Dreams.

Yes, always Dream. Nobody can stop you from Dreaming.

But work ver hard.be determined. BE focussed.

There are all types of people around us.

Some may support.Some may not.

Never keep grudge against people who dont support your dreams.

Instead analyze why they said those words.

If those words are of concern.Do rectify your mistakes.or else ignore.

Always appreciate those who have supported you.

Lastly,Gratitude to the Almighty.He has taken care of me in tough and difficult times.


I have a long long way to go before I sleep.


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