Zen of Life

 Zen of Life

Expectations and Acceptance. A balance between the two is the Zen of Life.

In 2016,I suffered Fracture of Left Collar bone following fall from a slide in water park.I had fallen off 10 feet. 

The positive side was no concussion to brain.The negative part,I had to be operated for the Fracture. Implant and screws were inserted.My Left hand couldn't be used for 1 month. 

For an Anaesthesiologist, left hand is very important. It is the Intubating Hand.I hold the Laryngoscope with my Left hand to insert the Endotracheal tube in the throat for General Anaesthesia. 

I had severe pain and difficulty using my Left hand.

The whole incident brought into me lots of Anxiety. How will I continue giving General Anaesthesia with a weak Left hand.How will I be able to practice henceforth?

I started cursing myself for being so careless. 

How could I be so nonchalant?

The repercussions of this incident was Anxiety, Depression. Followed by multiple medical issues. 

I started getting Panic attacks. Hormonal imbalance lead to Migraine Headaches,Irritability, Anger issues.

Working place and Household both places, the atmosphere became hostile due to violent abusive outbursts of anger.

I gained lots of weight.Touched 85 kg in a 5ft bodyframe. 

This continued for 2yrs or so.

In 2018,my Husband introduced me to a friend who was a part of Hubli Fitness Club.

I was initiated into running 🏃‍♂️. 

First 5k,then 10k,finally into Pilates, Yoga,and Bodyweight training.

A Nutritionist in the group guided me into Healthy eating habits. 

Yoga and meditation calmed me down.

I accepted the Limits of my weak Left hand. I diverted my Anaesthesia practice towards Regional and Peripheral Nerve blocks.That lead to me concentrating more into my Pain Clinic as I had a Fellowship in Pain and Palliative care Medic 


I am now working as a Pain Consultant now. 

What Did I Learn from this incident?

Since young age we are taught to aim Higher. 

With that our Expectations from ourselves, Life,and environment and People around us increases.

We start looking at the world through our likesand dislikes,Hopes and Fears,Opinions and Judgements.

But Life has its own trials and turbulence. 

We get so much overburdened by our Expectations that we fail to enjoy and appreciate the small pleasures and our achievements in Life.

We fail to Accept our Limitations and the Cicle of Life.,The Sinus curve of Ups and Downs of The Journey of Life.

We get overwhelmed by our Failures and Disappointments. 

Instead of Appreciating How Far we have come.....we Despair towards How far we have yet to go.......

The Zen of True Happiness is not What and How much we have Achieved......But Acceptance of Life at its Face value.

APPRECIATING the joys and the Gifts...Bestowed upon us by the Almighty. GRATITUDE and HUMILITY towards all for making our Life worth living. 

WE ARE HERE TO ACCEPT OUR WORLD AS IT IS,even as we work to make it better.


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