Be an Elephant.

Be an Elephant.

My teen daughter, preparing for  NEET exams,was going through anxiety during last few 3 months of the most important medical entrance exam.

Are you serious, Mom?You want me to be a dumb,huge,weird animal at this juncture.

She was aghast at my advice.

Yes. Be an Elephant is my advice to all teens between 16 to 18years of age.

This phase is very challenging physically and professionally in every person's life especially in India. 

Physical changes due to hormones cause many embarrassing moments in both boys and girls. 

Breaking up of voice,hair all over body.Suddenly the cute chocolate hero of the class faces weird voice changes, acne and beard, moustache ,and now looks just like gorilla.

The teen girl faces body changes,acne all over her face,mood swings, outburst of anger followed by loud howls...

It is a phase...where a child's mind is fitted into an Adult body. 

Was this not enough? There is sudden added pressure of studies. Especially in India.12 th boards are accompanied by major Entrance exams which have high cut offs.They decide the future careers of the young innocent children. The hectic schedules in college,endless tests, peer pressure,performance pressure,continued badgering of teachers and parents to score high......

The hormones and Exams lead to constant stress ,anxiety, anger,depression in every child at the junction of teen and adulthood.

I too have gone through this process. 

I was called Tea pot ,because of being short and stout as a teen.I wanted to pursue Medicine as a the Do or Die situation in 12th std ,and the hectic schedules of studies, college and coaching classes lead to the beginning of my Migraine Headaches. They troubled me throughout my MBBS and Post graduation course.

The Blog today is about handling the JOURNEY TOWARDS ONE'S GOALS.

What if we don't achieve is another aspect.

The mindset during the entire process towards your goal is crucial.

Be an Elephant. 

Have you ever seen an Elephant walking along its path towards the river side on a hot summer afternoon?

The elephant is oblivious of its huge size, pudgy leg,long trunk, big ears,short tail.

 On its way,it comes across so many animals. Some laughing at its size,its funny body,its gait.some barking to distract it. Some obstructing its path.some trying to slow it down or stop it.

But the elephant is focussed on its destination. The riverside. It wants to enjoy the cold quenching water of the flowing river.That very thought keeps it moving, swinging and swaying along the whole path.

So dear teens,be an Elephant. 

Focus on your goals. Don't worry about the drudgery path. Many hurdles you may face.Many disappointments may come.

Not many will support you in this journey. Some may obstruct, and demoralise you.

But you be determined. Don't lose your focus

Enjoy this journey. Respect your efforts.

Remember at the end of this difficult path is a beautiful riverside with cool waters on a hot summer afternoon.


  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ‘ŒBeautiful &Really encouraging to such age of children. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

  2. Good advice to teens encouraging them๐Ÿ‘

  3. Every student has to go through this drill.If one is guided by a teacher or parent well in advance and students start planning and prepare sincerely they will reach the goai.studrnts may succeeed or not.They should be told to think of their efforts only,not about results. Efforts are more important than results. Even if they are not successful it does not matter as there are so many other career choices.


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