Family and Relationships

 Hello Friends.I am Dr Tripti Galgali.I work in Dr Galgali Shushrusha Nursing home, Deshpande nagar, Hubli.

This Institute was started by my Father in Law, Dr Vasant Galgali  50 years back.Initially it was run as solely an Obstetrics hospital. Then 20 years back my Husband Dr Milind Galgali joined the Institute and added Ophthalmology department to the Nursing home. In subsequent years many Doctors joined from various departments of medical field. Today the nursing home for Obstetrics has become Dr Galgali Shushrusha Multi Speciality Hospital having many departments, Specialists, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scan Centre etc.Today,my Father in Law has retired.My Husband handles responsibility of the Institute. 

How many of you are interested in Group Sports?Any Group sports ike Cricket,football has skilled players who make a team.They are under a Captain. Who with the help of Manager handles the whole team.

Friends, you may be wondering.....Have I gone off track?

What is relation between my Institute and a Group sport? And relevance to my Blog title.

Yes,there is relevance and relative similarities between Family/ Relationships and Institute/ Departments and Group sports/ Team players.

In any  Family,Institute, Sports.... there are individuals who are independent but at the same time interdependent. 

All of them are under a Head of Family or Chairman or Captain.

In a Family,there are various relationships. 

Parents,Husband,wife,Kids,Grandkids,extended family members. Each member is independent yet interdependent to each other.

Each member gets personal space.But expected to know the limitations and boundaries.

Concern and support to each other yet not interference in each other.

The Strong Pillars of Foundation on which any Family/ Relationships/ Institute/ Team stands are TRUST,RESPECT, DIGNITY. 

The weaker ones trusting the strong and the Stronger respecting the weaker with Dignity. 

In case of Crisis,it is the Head/ Chairman/ Captain who shoulders the whole responsibility of handling each member as a unit.

In case of Drawbacks, the Head/ Chairman/ Captain holds Accountability and supports each member.

Remember, it is only in times of Crisis,the true Strength of the Foundation gets Tested.

Today,we are coming across collapse of many Families/ Relationships/ Institutions/ Teams.

The reason is weak Foundation on which they are built.

Every person wants to remain an individual player.No one wants to share responsibility nor take accountability. 

Always remember, just one reason is enough to sustain a Relationship. But there will be hundreds to break it.

No Society can run with individuals alone.

A match or an Institute is never won nor run with the Best Skilled Players who are Individuals. Success is achieved when working as One Single Strong Unit.

Each weak and Strong player supporting each other .RespectingandTrusting the Captain. And the Captain holding the whole team together. 


If even few realise these important things, an Ocean of difference it will bring in the Society for a better Future.


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