I am every WOMAN.

 International Women 's Day is celebrated every year on March8.This Day Women all over the world meet to discuss about women empowerment and Equal Rights.

India has a rich varied heritage. We have had many strong women in every decade. Rani Chennamma,Rani Laxmibai, Ahilyabai Holkar,Anandibai,Captain Laxmi,Sarojinidevi Naidu,Indira Gandhi,Nimala Seetharam to name a few.When our culture prays Women in form of GoddessLaxmi,Durga,Saraswati....then in real life, Why don't women get respect in our Country?

Why do we see Female feticide,gender discrimination,indifference towards females, dowry deaths, molestation, assault?

Why do girls have to fight for a secured and decent life?Why to fight for Equal right to Education,Work,Pay,Pray and Peace?

Inspite of years of Independence and so much advancement in Human race,why the indifference and Gender Gap?

Why is our mindset still stuck to backward and oppressive views and mentality towards Women?

Why are Women even today called Weaker Sex,Fairer sex,dependent persons?

Why even after centuries of formation of World Women 's Council, women still have to fight for Equality and their Rights?

The Campaign theme for the year 2021is " CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE"

This theme reminds me of my neighbor in Vashi where i spent my childhood and schooling.

This lady had come to Vashi with her husband and 3 daughter and 3sons.

She hailed from remote Maharashtra. She was illiterate and always wore Nine Yards with pallu covering her head. Her trademark with Big Red Round Kumkum on forehead.She had typical village Marathi dialect.

But though her attire and attitude was conservative, her thoughts were liberal. 

She educated all her daughters at par her sons.She encouraged education in Daughters inLaw and further Grand daughters. 

She made herself Atma Nirbhar in every sense.She encouraged all ladies in her family to be independent financially. 

Today all the Women in that family hold high posts in India all over and across the Globe. 

So dear Readers, in view of the Campaign Theme" Choose to Challenge ",I would like to express my views fir every girl and woman out there.


Bring in the challenge in you to lead the way to change.You need not wait for any person to uplift you or help you to fight or challenge for you.

Fight your own battles yourself.Make yourself mentally and physically strong by first respecting yourself, your capabilities, your inner strength. If you don't appreciate yourself and help yourselves, why will somebody other feel same way about you?

If I am a strong person today, I can fight for my better life and I can make my Daughters,Daughters in Law,Grand daughters and generations to come stronger than me.Their life will be more empowered. 

I should first make myself ATMA NIRBHAR in True meaning. 

Challenge the Society and its norms.

Demand a better quality of life for myself.

Better education,Equal pay,Equal opportunities and finally Empowerment .

Challenge the society to Accept me as I am,Accept my choices, Accept my Freedom.

Oh Woman,let the Challenge begin within You. And then see the Sea of Change you want to in your and other women's life and World for generations to come. 

             I AM EVERY WOMAN

...............IT'S ALL IN ME.........



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