Omen or Amen

 Superstitions and Beliefs are two sides of a coin.A Strong belief could be labeled as Superstition and vice versa.

A very debatable topic edging towards Fanaticism and Radicalism. 

Perception of each matters.

It is irrespective of Education,Knowledge, Wealth,Status,Upbringing. Society does play a major role.

I am a Science student. I reason everything Scientifically. I do strongly believe of limitation of Science.and that there is a Super Power above us which decides the path of my life.what we all term as Destiny and Serendipity .......

But we need to draw that line between Facts and Fictions.

I was called for an Emmergency Csection.The indication being Distress of Fetus(Meconium).

The Obstetrician had informed the patient and her relatives the gravity of situation for mother and baby's life.But however educated,rich,affluent they were,.....consent for surgery was not given.Reason being Horoscope. The stars for childbirth astrologically were not favorable for the baby.

I was asked to intervene.I reasoned out with Head of family" Only if the Baby is born alive are you going to think of its future.If you delay any further,you will lose the baby".

I  have come across many people with mental illness,Medical conditions like Epilepsy, Asthma,Cancer.....being taken to Babas and Saints.....instead of a Medical personnel. 

They bring the patient in a  laterstage where no Medicine will help them.

What is the reason behind this?

Are we Science and Medicine people failing in conveying importance or relevance of our knowledge in minds of Public?

Have we kept ourselves on a high pedestal that we are not approachable to the Public?

per se we Indians have not changed our mindset towards Science and Technology.

We still are sinking in our Traditional beliefs some irrelevant to our Modern ways of Life.

We need to bring a Radical change in thinking of our Society.

That is possible by improving our Education system.If right since childhood our kids are taught to question our Traditional beliefs and customs,Develop our mind to approach Scientifically. Accept every practice for benefit of health,happiness and Peace.......

Blindly following customs,beliefs,practices hinders growth of Society.

I totally agree Spirituality and Religion are important for Mental sanctity.

but there is no space for Intolerance,Fanaticism and Radicalism in our Society.

If my message to all my readers is appreciated, then surely lot of progressive ideas,open mindedness, Secular,God-fearing generation will pave the path towards a Truly Shining India in literal sense. 

Jai Hind.


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