The Power Above Us.

 Destiny, Faith and Serendipity.

The begining of wisdom is the wisdom of Supernatural power. 

It is the begining of belief in Destiny, Faith and Serendipity. 

Acceptance of your Destiny with total Faith in Almighty and at the same time eagerly seeking Serendipity. 

As we grow, we eagerly await miracles to happen. We pray to the Almighty with Faith and Hope for the miracles to come. And by dawn we accept with open heart whatever the Almighty has planned in our Destiny. 

I have been since a kid been spiritual. I have always felt that we need to work very hard but in the end it's always Almighty 's verdict. 

Karmanya Vadhikarahasye maa falishu kadachanaha. 

After I became Anaesthesiologist and later my Pain practice lead me to further strong belief in a Supernatural force. This force writes and guides our Destiny. 

How much ever technology is advanced....yet we can't predict exact time of human birth and death. 

How much ever with help of Science we manipulate our life,we can't change what we are Destined. 

I was posted in ICU. It was post Navratri. Mumbai has many Garba and Dandiya during Navratri. A young 12/ 14year old girl got admitted first in General ward with pain in lower limbs. No pain killer relieved her severe muscular pain.Initially parents thought it could be because of Dancing all night during Navratri. But when she had unbearable pain followed by fever, every one became concerned. 

She was absolutely fine,chattering away when she arrived at around 11am to our hospital. 

She was subjected to a battery of tests. 

By 12 or 1pm ,she hadn't passed any urine in 6hours. So she was catheterised and given diuretics. 

By 2/3 pm ,she started developing breathlessness so she got shifted to ICU. 

All speciality Heads were summoned... Cardiologist,Nephrologist,Intensivist, Virologist, Neurologist. Each department was investigating the young girl. By 4pm,she got Pericardial effusion,Kidney failure,Pulmonary edema and by 6pm she slipped into coma and finally she died at 7pm. Within few hours of admission, this chirpy girl went into multiorgan failure due to some Viral infection. 

Inspite of top Doctors, all modern Investigations and facilities....we watched her deteriorate and felt helpless. 

I realised limitations of Science and we as human helpless and weak in Covid Pandemic. 

It strengthened my belief of that Supernatural power above us.We are mere puppets in his Game of Life. 

Our Ego and Vanity fell short in front of this Force.

In the End only that wins is our Faith,our Karm and our Destiny. 

Que sera Sera...what will be.....will be.


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