
Showing posts from April, 2021

Drop in the ocean

 Ramayana,the epic Hindu Mythology, written by Sri Valmikiji, mentions a small incident. During the construction of Ram Setu over the ocean to reach Lanka,a small squirrel was rolling in the sand and jumping into the ocean.Lord Rama was watching inquisitively this whole scene.He tenderly took the squirrel in his palm and asked what it was upto.The squirrel answered" Oh Lord!I am a neither big nor strong to lift the boulders.but I can contribute by dumping little sand for construction of the Setu."Lord Rama was touched by the devotion of the Squirrel. He appreciated its contributions by tenderly stroking its back with his 3 fingers. The relevance of this story in today's time is....However small you may be,however small your contributions may be towards a good cause,it will make a huge difference to Humanity and Society.We need to inculcate this idea in ourselves and our future generations.  There was a simple villager named Manjhii Ram.He broke into a huge rocky mountain

The Animal in me

 History has witnessed Great Leaders and also ruthless Dictators. Yesterday,I was watching a Period film on the Great Ottoman Dynasty of 14 th Century.The young crown prince was given some pearls of wisdom on Leadership which I would like to share with you.  There are 3 animals residing within us. Tiger, Lion and Wolf. Tiger being Ambition...... Lion being Arrogance. ...... Wolf being Revenge or Grudge.... AMBITION:              It gives us some goals in life.When ambition fuels desire to succeed,we are virtually unstoppable. Gives rise to undeniable hunger to any cost.....come what may. If the Tiger in us starts controlling us,it leads to unrelenting quest to succeed.Our Expectations drive us away from reality. Further distancing us from Society. ARROGANCE: It comes when we try to hide our insecurities. Arrogance is often confused with Confidence. It makes us full of ourselves....I'm always right....I am better than everybody. If this Lion overpowers us,it leads to dis


 It's been a year and more,we are globally facing the Covid Pandemic. Health care workers all over the world are working hard in treating people. Viroligists,Epidemiologists  and Scientists.....everyone.....are working on Vaccines and new drugs to control the Pandemic. Some countries are experiencing second wave of infection and facing Lockdown.  Everyone has been affected by this Pandemic  with respect to Health,finance,economy, careers,personal relationships, education.  I am an Anaesthesiologist. All these years have been monitoring Breathing of my patients. Breathing comes naturally to all of us.We have taken it for granted. The Pandemic brought me closer to....BREATHLESS....... The Covid19 virus affects our entire Respiratory system badly.The whole system becomes hard like marble,rigid and fibrosed.  ICU got filled with patients of all age group experiencing low oxygen saturation, difficulty in breathing, pain during breathing, compromised and restricted lung functions.  The t