Drop in the ocean

 Ramayana,the epic Hindu Mythology, written by Sri Valmikiji, mentions a small incident. During the construction of Ram Setu over the ocean to reach Lanka,a small squirrel was rolling in the sand and jumping into the ocean.Lord Rama was watching inquisitively this whole scene.He tenderly took the squirrel in his palm and asked what it was upto.The squirrel answered" Oh Lord!I am a neither big nor strong to lift the boulders.but I can contribute by dumping little sand for construction of the Setu."Lord Rama was touched by the devotion of the Squirrel. He appreciated its contributions by tenderly stroking its back with his 3 fingers.

The relevance of this story in today's time is....However small you may be,however small your contributions may be towards a good cause,it will make a huge difference to Humanity and Society.We need to inculcate this idea in ourselves and our future generations. 

There was a simple villager named Manjhii Ram.He broke into a huge rocky mountain working tirelessly with a simple chisel and hammer.He was successful paving a path for his fellowmen especially fetching water from the river on the other end.

We all feel" What is the use of only me feeling or doing certain things?"

Don't forget small drops of water form a ocean.

If we perform simple acts like

Conserving water

Saving fuel,electricity and resources.

Avoiding wastage of food.

Avoiding use of plastic. 

Empathy towards animals.

Stressing on education.

Loyalty and Patriotism.

If we inculcate these small things.We educate our kids with good values.A huge sea wave of changes can come into the society. 

If we respect Mother Nature by keeping it clean and conservation of the resources it has bestows us...we can leave a legacy for generations. 

Today's Pandemic especially the second wave has made us realise our vulnerability. 

The only way this Pandemic can be controlled is by changing our mindset. If each individual starts behaving responsibly within their own limits ,the virus will be fought.

Neither Religion nor Leaders nor Technology could defeat this deadly disease. 

So earnest appeal to all.Wear Mask.Maintain social distancing.Avoid crowds and Crowding.Maintain sanitation and Hygiene.Educate yourself and your surroundings. 

It is only I&U which can win over this V_R_S.

As it is said.....

If you can't be the Sun,then be the small lamp which can enlight the darkness around you.


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