The Animal in me

 History has witnessed Great Leaders and also ruthless Dictators.

Yesterday,I was watching a Period film on the Great Ottoman Dynasty of 14 th Century.The young crown prince was given some pearls of wisdom on Leadership which I would like to share with you. 

There are 3 animals residing within us.

Tiger, Lion and Wolf.

Tiger being Ambition......

Lion being Arrogance. ......

Wolf being Revenge or Grudge....


             It gives us some goals in life.When ambition fuels desire to succeed,we are virtually unstoppable. Gives rise to undeniable hunger to any cost.....come what may.

If the Tiger in us starts controlling us,it leads to unrelenting quest to succeed.Our Expectations drive us away from reality. Further distancing us from Society.


It comes when we try to hide our insecurities. Arrogance is often confused with Confidence.

It makes us full of ourselves....I'm always right....I am better than everybody.

If this Lion overpowers us,it leads to distrust and repulsion of others from us.It leads to ignorance and blindness.


In our blind quest to achieve power,we start holding grudge and resentment against anyone critical about us. It makes us take decisions or steps which will harm or hurt society. 

If this Wolf  snares us,we get caught into an endless cycle of resentment, unhappiness and retaliation. 

These 3 animals are toxic to the society or organization. The " WE" gets annihilated by the " I" inside us.

A true Leader instead converts.......Ambition to Passion......

Arrogance to Humility.....

Revenge to Forgiveness. 

A passionate person rises above carrying the society with him. Puts the needs of the society above him....develops tolerance and humility towards the people around him.That makes him overlook and forgive the faults of other people.

If the society or organization has to progress.....the " I" has to reign over the 3 Animals within.Empower,Empathize and Uplift the " We" around.

And a True Leader is born.......


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