Ant's Eye View of Covid Pandemic.

 Since beginning of 2020 till date,we are being bombarded by the social media 24×7 about the Bird's eye view of Covid Pandemic. 

Globally,the Pandemic has left bare open the susceptibility of human race,the ruthlessness of the Covid19 virus and helplessness of governing bodies.

The physical,mental and financial losses has made each individual angry and anxious.

In this time of uncertainty, I would like to attract your attention to the Anti eye view towards the Pandemic. 

1.Shift of  Warm Global attitudes to Global warmth.

Till 2019,each Superpower wanted to outdo each other.Each one was at loggerheads.There was a cold war raging between each one of them.

The Pandemic brought each Superpower at its knees.It collapsed the entire human race .The Economy was shred to perils.

The Pandemic hit each one's ego so badly ,that every Super Power became powerless and susceptible to the wrath of a Virus.

Each country left aside its differences and animosity and lent a helping hand to each other. Medicines,Vaccines,Equipments, Financial aidsand Manpower every thing got shared with even the bitterest enemies.

There came a Global Warmth due to the hot raging Pandemic. 

2.Societal Apathy turned to Empathy

Before the Pandemic, capitalism had divided the society to different strata.Animosity was seen towards each other in the name of Race,religion, color,creed ,Caste,etc.

But Pandemic  made each person helpless irrespective of wealth,power,health,religion,race,color,gender.Each strata in the society was left bare naked helpless on the streets. 

But it in this Pandemic, I saw the softer side of a rude neighbor.The most detested one was the first to offer a helping hand to the affected be it calling Covid helpline,arranging ambulance.The most annoying neighbor came forward to supply medicines,food,groceries during isolation of infected people.

The youth helped the elderly in this Pandemic forgetting the reprimand thrown by the angry elders prior to Pandemic. 

Thanks to the Pandemic, that imaginary line between each person was erased as each one left behind differences and eagerly helped and supported each other.

3. Sarve Santu Niramaya 

Before Pandemic, I would pray selfishly only for myself. 

But today I am praying selflessly for peace,good health and eternity of each and every one globally.

The Ego got broken,the pride got hurt,the human race was humbled by the Nature's wrath.

The ever isolating human race now craved for human touch and embrace.( in literal sense)

Our vulnerability made us realise how small we are.

4.From Momentum to Inertia.

The ever on the run human race was abruptly halted to Inertia due to Lockdown. 

It madethe whole system haywire. It brought the Economy to doldrums. 

But it is this Lockdown which allowed us to breathe literally.It gave few moments of inner peace .It gave us time to steady ourselves and think what exactly we want in life.

Though each one got wrecked by physical,mental and financial losses which can never be compensated,but it did make us realise the Zen of Life,true essence of our life and living.

We could delve inside our inner selves.We could strengthen ourselves and help each other to face the Pandemic. We could brave the calamities together as a Human Race.

If our Faith and positive attitude allowed us to come to this point today......dear Pragmatic........we will travel together further.

This phase shall pass.This Dark Night shall end....and tomorrow the Sun will rise and shine Brightly.


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