Mind and Mentality.

 Sholay, a yesteryear film ,had a very popular character Gabbar Singh.His favorite dialogue was " Joh darr gaya, samajhlo mar gaya ".means The one who fears is as good as dead.

The Covid Pandemic has brought in fear into our minds.This fear paved way to helplessness, despair,anger and hatred towards ourselves and our system. 

Initially, it was only dwelling in our Outer Being. But in due course of time, it has crept into our Sub concious Mind. 

Bhagwad Geeta 3.42 

The working senses are superior to dull matter, 

The Mind is higher than the Senses, 

The Intelligence is still higher than the mind, 

The Soul is even higher than the intelligence. 

The Soul is our Inner Conscience, our Sub Concious Mind. It controls our Five Senses.What we see, we hear,we feel,we perceive, we act all is controlled by our Sub concious Mind. 

The fear,insecurities, influence by social media and Negative thoughts have raided into our Sub concious Mind. That's forcing us into hoarding,corruption, hatred and unmindful actions.

The Covid virus can be  treated by drugs.The Pandemic can be defeated and controlled by Vaccines, Social distancing, mask and awareness. But who will treat the chaos and negativity in our inner self brought in by The Pandemic. 

The Body is the Chariot. 

The Indriyas ( Five Senses) are the Chariot Horses. 

The Mind( Manas) is the reins. 

The Intelligence ( Buddhi) is the Chariot Driver. 

The Self is the Chariot's passenger. 

The objects perceived by the Senses are the Chariot 's  path.

So,it is Ahem, ourselves who is the sole responsible being, who controls my Subconscious mind,my thoughts,my actions,my perception. 

We need to declutter our mind.We need to wipe out Negative thoughts of fear,anger,hatred,greed which are the Door to Hell.

Subconscious mind is a bed of soil.Whatever you sow, you will reap.

So sow seeds of Spirituality. Bring in good thoughts and positivity through prayers. Calm your hurt and angry soul by Meditation. 

If we unconditionally surrender ourselves and our inner conscience to Him,we can control our Mind and our Mentality. 

Lord Krishna tells Arjuna.....

I am the Beginning, the middle and the end of Creation. 

I am the Universe. 

I am the Utimate. 

I am Infinity. 


  1. After long time got to read ur thoughts... Wonderfully written..

  2. 🌹🌹Really so Great Thoughts.


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