Listen to your heart

 Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

A small kid when asked" What do you want to be?".

He blurts out immediately a name of a character or a person he adores most.,who is his hero.

His dreams are unconditional without any perspectives.Pure Passion.

As a kid,our imagination is infinite. No boundaries. 

As we age,we start building fences and boundaries around us.

Our thoughts ,activities, surroundings all start shrinking. 

We start getting influenced by each and every thing and every person we come across.

The innocence and passion gets lost.

I have been always impressed by Mother Teresa as a kid and MS Dhoni ( Indian cricket captain) in today's times. 

Their life is very inspiring. 

They both followed their passion against all odds,criticism,discouragement,despair.With sheer grit and determination, they stood up for their passion.They trusted their hard work,instincts,skills.They achieved what they expected from themselves. They brought laurels and respect for themselves and the country.

Dear youth,you are citizens of morrow.

The decisions of your life need to be made by your heart. Your heart sees the now,your mind only sees the next.

It is only true passion which will lead you to your full potential. If you have a strong purpose in life,you don't need to be pushed.Your passion will drive you there.

If you can't figure out your purpose,figure out your passion.Your passion will lead you right into your purpose. 

To achieve your dreams,you need to take risks.If you never take risks,or accept challenges, you will never recognize what you are capable of.

Life cannot be bed of only roses. There will be few thorns here and there.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,but in rising above after falling.

Perseverance and Patience are key towards success.

The decisions in life should never be out of fear.Fear of failure,rejection, dejection,criticism. 

But they should be made out of Passion,love,respect,dedication and sincerity.

Make mistakes, be silly,take chances,fail,be imperfect,trust yourself and follow your heart.

..........Listen to your heart

When he's calling for you....

When there's nothing else you can do.

When you don't know why

When you don't know where

Just listen to your heart.

Coz it can never ever be wrong.


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