Newton's Laws of Motion.

 Remember studying Newton's 3 Laws of Motion.

Law 1- Law of Inertia. 

Law2- Law of Momentum

Law 3- Equal and opposite Reaction.

You may be wondering the purpose of Physics in daily life.

I have no intention to teach Physics.But this Pandemic ,I was pondering into the importance of Laws of motion in daily life.

In routine life,we are either running a race against time aimlessly or just stagnating lazily. 

Both volatility and stagnation by themselves serve no productivity.

Volatility ever brings frustration and Stagnation ever brings boredom.

Both being detrimental. 

A wildly flowing river only goes into ocean.

A directionless rolling stone just gathers no moss.

But if this flowing river is confined into a reservoir by a dam built by the stones serves to the whole society. 

Our body and mind must never be allowed to wander aimlessly nor be allowed to stagnate purposeless.

There needs Momentum of ideas and action which will progress Humanity. 

But continuous acceleration and force is detrimental to health and mind.

There is a need of Inertia of thoughts. A phase of rest to body and mind.We need to retrieve few steps back and ponder the purpose of action.

Enthusiasm is that energy or force that breaks the Inertia within.It restarts the momentum of life.

Crisis is a window of opportunity which brings that Momentum of Change.

Change in life is competitive and compelling.

The path of our life is like a bed of soil. What you sow,so shall you reap.Newton' s 3rd Law teaches us whatever you give to the society and environment, it gives back the same to us.Hence,Philanthropy of ideas,services and skills to the society is must.In return it motivates us to be ever into Momentum. 

This Pandemic,the ever into Motion world was abruptly halted to Complete state of Inertia by Covid19 infection and Lockdown. 

Many were affected physically,mentally, financially.

Healing is Momentum. Disease is Inertia.

Instead of going into phase of Inertia of despair and disappointment, we must utilize this Crisis as opportunity to change.

Ponder upon purpose of life.Fill our life with gratitude for coming so far and humanity which has helped us this far.Appreciation of ourselves and surrounding for making it this far.Together we shall fight and help each other to rise above this Crisis. 

Together let's overcome the Inertia of Pandemic.Bring in Momentum and Force of Productivity. 

Life is indeed Newton 's Laws of Motion.A perfect amalgam of Momentum and Inertia is required for building a Society. Life is Echo.( 3rd law).Radiate and give love in good faith.It will surely come back to us.


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