Oh Yuva Yuva......

 India has approximately130cr population. Of which around 50% or so is in15to 24years ofage group.The Youth.

The backbone of every nation is the strong, vigorous,and believing youth.The nation progresses by the freshness and energy of the youth.Youth is hope and future of our country.

12th January is celebrated as National Youth Day.This year 2021 theme is Channelizing Youth Power. 

Youth are hot fire,full of energy,ideas and vigor.Their energies, thoughts,ideas need to be motivated and channelized in the right direction for their future welfare and also benefit of our nation.

A clueless youth is either hesitantand fearful

 or he is wild and reckless.

Education builds character, increases mental strength, expands intellect, and most important makes one stand on one's feet.

We need to provide the youth education which will build his character and instill human values.

We need to tap the revolutionary, fresh,innovative ideas of youth by encouraging and motivating the youth.

In view of above aspects,I would like to share some initiatives introduced by GOI for youth benefit and welfare.


In 2015,Skill India was launched to train youth for industry related jobs.Various Sub schemes and opportunities have been initiated for training youth with soft skills,digital literacy and entrepreneurship.

:Prashant Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

: Kaushal aur Rozgar Mela

: Designated Training centres

: Placement guide 

: UDAAN,SANKALP,STAR,Polytechnic centres,Vocalization of education. 

Education should be available for everyone irrespective of gender,Caste,class,religion.

2.National Education Policy NEP:

In 2020,GOI introduced NEPfor universal  education. It aims in more holistic, multidisciplinary education. Vocalization education. Promotion of languages,art,and culture.Technoligy use,Digitalization and integration.

NEP will give affordable and quality education to all.


In 2019,UNICEF( United Nations Children 's Fund) launched YUWaah Generation Unlimited in India.It brings together Government, multilateral organizations, civil society, private sector and young people all over world to meet the needs of expanded education, skill development, and employment opportunities for youth.

This blog is written just for awareness of various schemes and opportunities available for youth.

Dear Friends, Government reforms will come into reality only by community support. 

It is our duty to outreach and create awareness of them to grassroots .

A strong nation is built by cumulative efforts of community. 

For progress of our country we need to encourage, motivate and educate the youth to channelize their energies in right direction. 

Ho Yuva Yuva.....

APJ Kalam in his message the youth

Have courage to think differently, courage to invent,to travel the unexplored path,courage to discover the impossible  and to conquer the problems and succeed.


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