Covid Pandemic brought testing and stressful situations in our lives.

The Frontline workers-Doctors,nurses,Ayah,Wardboys,sweepers,-,Ambulances, Government organizations, Non Government organizations, Volunteers,Crematorium workers -all braveheart souls came full force to help win Pandemic. These brave people were well aware of the risk of Covid infection to themselves and to their family as well.But their strong will motivated them to work tirelessly. 

But,the Pandemic also shocked us with Corruption in society and Apathy of certain people. The dark ugly side of human being was exposed by unscrupulous people wanting to encash the helplessness of the Pandemic situations. Hoarding of life saving drugs,Medical equipments,Hospital beds, oxygen cylinders and selling them at exhorbitant prices.Duping and Forgery, Corruption left us aghast. 

Some anxious,weak hearted people discriminated and isolated Covid warriors and Covid infected patients. The crucial time when these people needed human empathy and support were left alone and helpless by certain sections. 

All this news in social media globally during Pandemic led me to ask.....Why is there a Tug of War.....between our Heart and Mind?

The heart is a passionate soul.Always beating,fluttering or skipping with emotions.

The Mind is the practical one.It is conditioned by situations in life and societal norms and pressures. 

There come situations in Walk of Life like this Covid Pandemic ,where there is Tug of War between Heart and Mind.

Situations come where our Heart is passionate about something and wants us to follow the path of Love.Our Mind either strengthens our heart towards the path....or weakens to dissuade it from following the path.

Like in case of Covid Warriors. They followed the path to help Society braving the Pandemic.The heart is passionate for needy but knows about the personal risk.But the strong mind supports the passion and strengthens the emotional heart.

But on the other end,certain things which the Heart knows is wrong path....but the conditioned Mind convinces the weak heart to follow the wrong" Everyone is doing this".This lead to Some people abusing the Pandemic situations. 

I want to make a statement. If the Human values within us are right,ethical,empathetic....then the heart is passionate and Mind is strong. 

It is True Moral values which lead to synchronization of both Heart and Mind.

If the path is righteous towards society and nature then,never is there a Tug of War between our Heart and Mind.

In this fast paced life,driven by technology and materialistic belief,we are in constant pressure due to societal norms.

Along with uplifting ourselves by education and knowledge, we should inculcate right human values.

This will keep us grounded. We will be empathetic to needs of society. 

Following our religion, culture and traditions but at the same time respect to others is important. 

Only reading and writing is not enough.Kids should be taught hygiene of self and surrounding, conservation of resources,responsibilities, and respect to needy,floral and fauna.To love and respect every body is need of the hour. 

Ethics and True human values.The selfless work of Covid warriors made us realise importance of them.Also lack of these in some, exposed the corrupt, dark society. 

If the Society and Humans want to rise above the Pandemic.....Empathy, Loyalty and Patriotism.....is need of the hour.

Bring in these into our lives....and the Tug of War.....between Heart and Mind......in any situation...will cease to exist.Both of them will be at same path.Path of Passion,Righteousness and Benefit of Mankind.

Om Saha Nau- Avatu

Saha Nau Bhunaktu

Saha viryam Karavahahai

Tejasvi Nau- Adhitam- Astu maa vidissa vahai 

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Om,May God Protect us.

May God nourish us.

May we work together with energy and vigor.

May we study to Enlighten ourselves and others.

May we not rise to Hostility or follow Hostility. 

Let us spread Peace.

Let there be Peace.


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