Value of WOMB

 WOMB is the best and biggest gift bestowed upon a woman by Mother Nature.

Nurturing a life for 9 months in the womb and undergoing life threatening labor and giving birth is a fulfilling and gratifying experience. 

Whether it is boy or girl.....both are beautiful gift of God. 

But some sections of our Society don't feel so.

Strong son-preference giving rise to sex selection, abortions and abuse to females is appalling. 

Yesterday, I was called for Emmergency Csection.The patient was carrying her 4th child.She had previous 3 female children. 

Suddenly in her last trimester I.e 7th month she developed high blood pressure 210/120mmHg.That caused her Kidney,Liver and bleeding profiles get deranged abnormally. 

She delivered a healthy Male child.but she started bleeding profusely. We call this Post Partum Haemorrhage. 

With God's grace, her condition stabilised after 24 hours.

Her mother was in despair looking at the frail,Pathetic condition of her daughter.

She started crying and blurted " Her in laws and husband put undue ,unwanted pressure on her. Come back only if you deliver a Boy."

Is this the value of Womb?

Strong Son- preference in our Society has led to female feticide,illegal forcible abortions, domestic violence and abuse,giving up of female babies for adoption, Abandonment, neglecting female child and similar sex selective practices. 

I feel women rights,empowerment, health, education to girls etc should be taught in curriculum. Women should be educated about legal rights and access against abuse.

Violence and abuse against women should be addressed immediately. 

Following are various policies and services available. 

1.Section 498IPC-Cruelty to women,domestic violence is punishable upto 3years of imprisonment and fine to accused.

2.Domestic violence act of 2005- Mental, emotional and financial abuse is punishable. 

3. Mandatory Protocols Act of 2015 for Domestic violence and child abuse.

4. SHEROES App.- Helpline provides social, legal,emotional and economic support and guidance. Criminal justice, education, health care and support for empowerment and uplifting the affected women. 

Dear Woman,

Do not wait for someone else to pull you out. 

Nurture courage and fight back.

Take this bold step for yourself and set right directions for 

Your Male child to respect a woman.

Your Female child to respect herself. 


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