Wheel of Time.

 I am Time.Ticking every second.I keep moving forward.I can be remembered but never reversed.I only live at the moment.My hours are looked forward.

Yesterday,I was in a group of Time Travel.

We were from age 86yrs to age 30yrs.

The thoughts of each made me write this blog.

Woman has travelled the Wheel of Time in True essence.

The octogenarian was reminiscing her ancestral home and childhood.Filled with fun,folic and carefree days.

But the restrictions and boundaries were put on her from youth .Restriction to education,pursuing passions and basic things in life. A visit to neighbor had to be asked for permission .A life of a caged bird in the name of Traditions,Family virtues, Honor ,Extended obligations....list was endless.

The septagenarian was reminiscing her youth and college life.Full of carefree days .Filled with thrills and frills.But freedom in later parts of life came with boundaries. Family and marital responsibility. Traditional values and culture put boundaries for her passion.A fulfilled life butwith a few unfulfilled dreams.

The youngest was in her 30s.She was recently married. The Pandemic brought her to learn baking.

Her freshly baked bread and cakes were well appreciated.With full support of family and friends, she was eager to start her new bakery. Full of Hope and Confidence. 

A woman has actually travelled the Time of Life.

The Wheel of Time is moving forward.

Yesterday,she was tied up by restrictions and bounded by society. 

She had to fight for basic necessity of life.FREEDOM.EXISTENCE.

Yesterday,there was a young girl Ahilyabai Holkar who fought the rudimentary system and took education and further become a ruling patriarch of Holkar Dynasty .

Yesterday,just putting her foot outside the aisles of her house was unthinkable for a woman.

Yesterday she was bounded by Traditions,values and culture. 

Today,we have Shirisha Bandla flying the ship to Space.Young ladies at helm of Corporate and Political world.Young free thinking minds.Young Turks starting innovations and ventures.

An Ode to The New Age Woman.

Baby,you have indeed come a long way.

The world today is your field.

Have courage to take risks.

Take the road  less travelled, the ride may be bumpy,filled with barricades.

The terrain may be uncharted.

It is on this road,your wheel of Time is tested.

The Wheel of Time turns,and Ages come and pass,leaving memories,that become Legend.


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