Financial Empowerment

 Finance is the seventh sense in a Man.

Many people earn living but only few achieve success.....Very few realise importance of FINANCE- in literal and practical sense.

Theory and knowledge regarding Finance is available every where in print and digital media. 

But very few make efforts in understanding Finance and follow financial management and strategies. 

Finance.......just working hard day and night. Saving every penny......NO. This is not Finance. 

By Definition, Finance means...apart from earning, it includes BUDGETING,INVESTING, BORROWING, TAXATION AND PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. 

Majority of our curriculum in school teaches us Science, Arts, Mathematics and in name of Finance only Cost Price,Selling Price,Profit/ Loss,Stock balance.

Since childhood, we are taught to develop skills and proficiency to EARNING MONEY. 

BUT NOBODY......neither parents,nor curriculum teaches us above aspects of Finance.....

Financial security or Financial Empowerment doesn't mean providing lots of money whether to spouse ( mostly wife) and to kids......

If I earn lots of money and give my wife and kids lots of it ,give them credit cards,never question them about expenses, never make them responsible for their expenditures.....I am LIBERAL........NO...NO...NO.

You give a man a Fish and you feed him for just one day.But you teach him how to fish and you feed him a life time.

Financial freedom is feeling of being in control of our own finances.

Financial Empowerment us giving Financial education, teaching skills to improve finances and supporting to improve  productiveness .

In Modern society we today and our children in future have to deal with- Loans,insurances, policies,Funds,- so many financial responsibilities till we die. 

If we ourselves don't get Financially empowered and teach the same to our Wife and much ever we earn will never be sufficient. 

Financial independence and responsibility is need of the hour.

The Covid Pandemic highlighted the importance of Financial Empowerment in all our lives. 

Knowledge and skills to earn,Spending wisely  , Budgetting,Investment, Tax, is key for Financial progress of Lives and Nation.


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