
 This blog has only my views and outlook towards life.Neither do I preach nor do I criticize nor have any intentions to hurt sentiments. 

This Pandemic has shaken all of us...Physically, morally and mentally. 

It has troubled us outwardly and brought turmoil internally. 

Left us with uncertainty. 

Many of us are now searching methods and paths towards calmness,tranquility and inner peace.

Path to Nirvana.

Inner Peace or Nirvana is not something that is obtained or purchased from outside.

It lies within ourselves. We only have to search and seek within our own self.

Inner peace can be attained if we are at peace and harmony within ourself and with our own self.

Our thoughts and actions should be in synchronization. 

Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,or trouble or hard work.

It means to be in midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Spirituality doesn't remove us away from the world but it leads us deeper into it.

You can never run behind searching for Spirituality and Nirvana.Simple selfless acts performed with love,compassion and humility will help you attain inner strength. 

A simple housewife taking care of her family with love and warmth achieves inner satisfaction. Or Nirvana. 

A young soldier serving his nation by fighting at borders without caring about his life has achieved Nirvana.

A brave Covid Warrior giving selfless service to public during Pandemic has reached Nirvana.

Shrugging off our duties and commitments can never give us inner peace.

Goals of meditation is achieved by working with out expectations and rewards.

"Swakarma thamabyarcha siddhi vindathi Manavah"

By doing your work with devotion and sincerity, as it is,is Prayer to God.If you discharge your duties,you will get Salvation. 

Do Everything you have to do

But Not with Greed,

       Not with Ego,

       without Envy,

But with Love,

        with Compassion, 

        with Humility, 

       And Devotion. 


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