The unexpected

 This blog and incidents I mention are true.Yes shocking at times.I have no intentions of accusing or defaming any body or any Group.

Readers should instead concentrate on the important aspects I want to highlight.Dont debate out of content which is seen on most social medias.Sorry guys trollers this is not your platform. 

I had been called for Hysterectomy or termination of Pregnancy in 20 weeks I.e 5 month pregnancy in a 15 year old girl....many many years back.

Readers,let me inform you that termination of Pregnancy in minors ( Earlier it was 18 years below ...last 2 years it is 16 years below of age) and more than 16 weeks of gestational period without Anatoly or life threatening complications to mother or fetus...requires District Health official consent.It means it becomes a Medicolegal case. It involves police and government officials. 

After completing all the legal formalities....we completed the procedure. 

Apart from Legal problems, this girl had PIH( Pregnancy induced Hypertension).She was bloated like a balloon and her Blood pressure recorded was 160/100 mmHg.

Obviously fetus couldn't be saved.Our major concern was life and well being of the young girl.

With God's grace, things went smoothly without complications. 

The story is.....the young girl 5 months back developed sudden loss of menstrual cycle.

A hormonal study showed some variation. 

A young girl of that age giving no history of contact....we don't go on lines of Pregnancy. 

Broaching deep especially in a VIP case is impossible as sentiments will be hurt.

Even after 4 months of treatment, the girl didn't get her monthly cycles properly. Only spotting.and to add problems...she started bloating like balloon.

So Ultrasound was done.

Shockingly a live fetus was detected .

And Urine Pregnancy and pregnancy related tests were done.

The 15 yr girl was 20 weeks pregnant and had PIH.

PIH is Pregnancy induced toxaemia.In this condition, the blood pressure of the pregnant lady shoots beyond normal.Water is retained in body causing bloated body,face,legs.

Liver,heart,kidney may get affected.Some have deranged bleeding profiles.Some go blind.some suffer stroke or heart attack.

Here we had a minor .with more than 4 month Pregnancy and high blood pressure.

Vaginal termination of Pregnancy was impossible and life threatening. So abdominal removal of fetus was done.

The girl was confronted by parents. She blurted out that she had been in a physical relationship with a boy from her class.

I have always advocated SEX EDUCATION in schools for each boy and girl from 6th or 7th std every year till college students. 

It should be done by experts in the field of Child Psychology. Workshops regarding pregnancy, safe sex,sexually transmitted diseases  should be taught. Hygiene must be taught.

Parents giving incomplete and improper advice or boorish experiences by peers add to unwanted problems in life of teens.

In India,speaking about sex is a taboo.A Paradox indeed in a country with 130 crore population  

The advent of mobiles,internet and social media has made the situation even worse for wrong,misguided information on such sensitive matters. 

NEP should inculcate proper sex education by experts in education institutions. 

Else,in coming years,India will see lots of teenage Pregnancy, complications, sexually transmitted diseases in teens,Illegal abortion, deaths and suicides in teens.Adding to mental depression. This has become a Psychosocial Emmergency. 

Teens today are going to be citizens of tomorrow. 

Communication and lack of it due to Technology and Modernization is also another reason.

Bring in interactive conversation with tour kids. Bring them out of the virtual world. 

A promising teen is going to be a responsible citizen of tomorrow's India.

We need to make the kid realise importance of freedom given to them and sense of responsibility which comes with it.


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