
 In our walk of life,we face incidents and people who leave an impact in our minds and lives.Both good and bad memories. I only keep back the good and forget the bad.

It was a heavily raining night.At 12 Midnight or so,I received a call from an unknown Hospital at an unknown location for Emmergency Csection.

Those days my driving skills were very limited. I didn't know how to reverse the car.

The hospital was very desperate. And it was Emmergency. 

My kids aged 4years and 2 years got up due to the lights being switched on.

The 2 decided to jump in the car and join me in my Midnight venture in heavy rains. 

Due to poor visibility I overshot a lane and entered a very narrow lane.

I was in a fix.How do I reverse? I didn't know the area well and had 2 small kids in the car.

I looked around and found 2 young boys about 25years or less sitting in front of a closed shop.

I called them and asked the directions.

To my astonishment,found myself requesting the 2 strangers " Can you drive me to that hospital?"

The 2 boys were taken aback." Aren't you scared we might harm you?"

I replied " I have to attend an Emmergency. I am in desperate need for help. Tonight You both are FARISHTA.....GOD SENT PEOPLE.....for me."

The 2 boys drove me to the hospital and also reversed my car and parked it so that I could easily drive back home later.

Today, this incident moves me a lot.I thank those 2 boys every time I remember this incident. God bless them.

It is these real life incidents which bring hope and Faith in Humanity even today. 



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