Feminine/ Feminism.


I take pride being a Feminine Feminist........

I was attending an All Ladies Night which had all Ladies from Homemakers to Professionals....in all age groups.....Teens to Geriatrics.

Every person was made to speak few words on being a woman,their life and add a message to everyone present.

A lovely evening filled with lovely decked up ladies. 

The Chief Guest was a well qualified, well achieved, well known affluent lady in her 60s.

She spoke about her life. 

What struck me is .......her  words.......She hated cooking.In her entire life, she had never entered kitchen or even boiled water. 

She was applauded for her this achievement in life by all Ladies. 

This blog I have written is not to argue importance of cooking in a Woman 's life.

Cooking according to me is necessity in every body's life.No Gender discrimination or preferences on this aspect as we all need food to survive. 

But cooking for ourselves and our dear ones is not something to be belittled. 

Cooking is neither a virtue of Feminism nor Feminist. 

I don't become an achiever by Not knowing cooking  or a Feminist with liberating ideas by never entering the kitchen.

I can be a Feminist in a 9 yard saree with traditional attire, be in a conservative background 

...and have liberal ideas pertaining to women education, equal rights and dignity to live.

A short revealing dress, tattoos, smoking, drinking Feminist who belittles a Homemaker or less privileged person.....is not a Feminist .Her attire, apparel, attitude may be Westernised but her thoughts are conservative. 

I love being a woman.I love every aspect of a woman.I am a Feminine. 

But my thoughts are liberal.

Equal Rights,Equal privileges, Equal Dignity to every person,every strata, every single life on earth. 

A Feminist Feminine.


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