In the Middle.

 I am every woman.I never accept my age nor reveal my true age.

Yes,I dread MIDLIFE. I am entering this period.

By Definition: Age between 45years to 65 years is MIDLIFE. 

P.S I will never reveal my age.

My family celebrated my entry into this period with great fervor much to my chagrin.

I feel uncomfortable and uneasy even today.

Through this blog, I would like to share my experiences with Midlife. Though new to me and am still learning to cope with it. 

I have been practicing Bharat Natyam dance since many years. But midlife is bringing slight rigidity into my very flexible body.

My dance moves,Yoga asanas are getting restricted. 

I have been blessed with good stamina and endurance.Of late,am getting exhausted after a busy day. 

Every Sunday, I have been running 10k.After the run,I used to be energetic for a wonderful weekend. 

But,nowadays, my energy is getting drained. I feel lethargic and lazy to enjoy the weekend. 

Professional front,I am very aggressive and enthusiastic. 

Of late,I am reaching plateau.The excitement and fervor of new ventures is bringing anxiety and uncertainty in me.I am doubtful of my work ,experiences and skills.

A silly argument, disagreement, disruption in daily activities is causing frustration and playing emotional havoc.Impulsive thoughts and irrational behavior are experienced of late.

I am over thinking, over reacting to normal situations. 

I have always been pragmatic and controlled. 

Midlife crisis is throwing big challenges in all fronts- Health,Professional and personal relationships. 

Pandemic period exaggerated them and blew out of control. 

I would like to share with you all,how I am dealing with MIDLIFE CRISIS.

I stressed a lot on Healthy Physical and Mental. 

I feel everything lost can be earned back.But if Health slips out of our hands,we are left totally helpless.

I first accepted my body as God as given me.

I started respecting my body and my needs.

Regular meals,regular exercise and good sleep has become my Mantra.

No fad diets,no rigorous training.

Simple home food,Yoga,meditation, occasional weights and my Sunday run.

I did get an impulsion to undergo Body enhancing procedures.But refrained from them after reading about maintenance schedules and unfortunate complications. 

I prefer my normal aging self.

Professional front,I started to appreciate myself, my hard work,efforts and success achieved till today.

I am taking each moment one by one.

With aging,comes virtue of Patience and Tolerance. 

Keeping calm is difficult a constant struggle,but a continuing effort.

I am trying to break the monotony and stagnation in life.

Learning new things,hobbies,throwing challenging ideas......efforts are going on.

Investment in relationships is very important. It requires time and energy....both very difficult in a fast paced lifestyle.

I make concious effort to not fall into " Happiness SLUMP".

I ignite the childlike spark inside me.I endeavor to be happy and enjoy small things and moments in life.

Also important is Leisure.A much needed break in the fast paced life energizes the mind and body.

When Life throws lemons at you.......make Lemonade.

Midlife makes us face Health issues,Financial struggles,and Relationship problems. 

The Covid Pandemic blew all the above issues out of proportion. It made life uncertain and unpredictable. 

I personally chose to invest my time and energy into my health ,mental well being and healthy relationships. 

Life is too short.Pandemic jolted me within.

I prefer enjoying my Lemons and my Lemonade too.

Keeping my life simple,unentangled and peaceful. 

I have been up,I have been down.

I have always got my head up in the clouds.

Hoping that I could find 

One of them that's silver lined. 

I don't care,it could rain

All it wants on my parade.

Lemons,I make Lemonade...


Lemons,I make Lemonade. 


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