What I think you think I'm am.

 One day,a boy and his father were crossing a long bridge across a flowing river.

Seeing both on the donkey, one commented" Poor donkey, carrying these two."

So father got down." Selfish son,allowing old father to walk along".

So Son got down.Father sat on donkey." Selfish father ,not caring about young son."

So both again sat on the donkey .Again passerby pitied poor donkey.

So this time,both carried the donkey on their shoulders. 

The son tripped over a stone making the father fall down and poor donkey fell across the bridge into the flowing river. 

This story makes us realise how much we regard and respect public passing comments and opinions. 

How many times we allow others to interfere our lives?

The  Human personality and our overall development is directly related to our learning process from other people's perception. We shape our personality on other people's opinion about us.We downplay our powers. We succumb to societal pressures. 

Since birth, we are taught to accept and be accepted by the society blindly. In name of customs and traditions, we follow certain rules and regulations which are detrimental to self and society. 

In yesteryears, wrong practices such as Untouchability,Sati,child marriage,Apartheid and many such customs which deprived equal rights,opportunities and dignity of life,education and self respect to all strata, gender,color,race,caste, religion of human race.

Great revolutionary thinkers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy,Jyotiba Phule,Savtribai Phule,Acharya Vinoba Bhave,Mahatma Gandhi  revolted against these practices, educated society about them,enforced Laws against unhealthy practices, brought awareness of Equal rights,Dignity and Self respect in people. They didn't succumb to Social pressures and hence we are able to enjoy the progress and development in India. 

Dear Friends, allow yourself and your progeny to be Free.

Freedom of thoughts, speech and action. 

Let us not be bounded by perception of others and society. 

Develop our own personality with unconditional thoughts,no boundaries, no restrictions. Let us soar high with uninhibited wings and pursue our dreams.

Agreed we are a part of society with certain obligations and responsibilities. But let us not be dictated or  reigned in 

 by the society. 





  1. You are right. Most of us waste our precious life by living according to the diktats of society. Finally, we end up like the donkey in the story which falls into the river as its owners try to behave according to what people comment. The title of the blogpost is catchy and to the point.


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