Memories bring back You......


there goes my shrill alarm at 6am.It is Saturday morning. Kids have early school at 8am on Saturday. 

I am all harried and hurried.

I need to wake up my sleepy kids,make them rush up to get ready.Saturday is white uniform, white shoes,white ribbons to pig tails,all pressed and crisp.

I need to boil milk for both kids, force them to gulp it down.They have small recess in between. They don't want routine bhaji and roti on Saturday. Something different. So at 6am ,need to be Master Chef.

After achieving the task of readying the 2 brats,the School bus gets missed.

Off Flying Mommy rides her scooter with elder one sitting behind and dozing off and  the younger one perched in front.Lo behold,we reach just before the gates shut.

Saturday,school ends at 11.30am.Next day is blissful Sunday.

I pick the kids and in uniform itself we head to their favorite restaurant for Brunch.

This had been our routine for almost 7 or 8 years.

Time flies so fast........

The kids are now all grown up. Both pursuing their successful careers and dreams.

Today, as I walk across the School gates and by lanes.....every Saturday, I get to see the school kids all dressed in whites.Their stressed parents zipping on scooters trying to  reach the gates of school on time.I hear the morning school prayers and the drums beating for Saturday mass drill.The hustle bustle of Saturday school floods my mind with nostalgic memories. 

I go  Deja Vu to not only memories of my kids but also my own school days.

The white uniform, white PT shoes,White ribbons,the school house color of Red,Blue,Green, Yellow worn over the whites....mass Drill Drums......

Saturday was indeed exciting day in school.

Even after decades.....nothing in School life seems to have changed.Everything seems unchanged except new faces......

Ring .....Ring......6am Saturday alarm rings......though today,I don't have to hurry......

But it does bring back ......

Memories bring back......

Memories bring back.....You........


  1. You have captured the nostalgia of good, old school days wondetfully. The writer in you does the job of bringing nostalgia back to life perfectly.


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