

Any middle class household....Mother cooking breakfast,Father and Grandfather reading newspaper with sips of tea,Grandmother in temple and kids playing outside  


Any middle class household would be glued to the only Black and white Television set in the family all watching Ramayan or Mahabharat.Mother serving tea and breakfast.Grandmother sitting with her Aarti thali.


Any household irrespective of socioeconomic strata......each individual on their Mobile lost in watching their own stuff.

Each person is Connected but individually Dis- Connected from rest.

Science and Technology has no doubt improved our life.Life is easier. Lifestyle is upgraded. Anything and Everything from any nook and corners of world is available at our doorstep in a CLICK.Social media has brought us together and close globally. 

But ISOLATED us from reality. 

People whom we had lost touch for decades became part of each event of our lives.....but people who are part of our daily lives got estranged. 

We prioritized every event on Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook.....but found our old parents and surrounding unimportant. 

We spent long hours trolling on Twitter, opinionated on WhatsApp and Facebook or Koo.......but are too busy to greet a " How was your day?" to an old neighbor sitting in balcony. We have little or no time oof our busy schedule to spend even 5 minutes with our aged parents. 

We remember to Post HBD on social media to unknown people but forget important occasions of close ones.

Before all family members used to make time from busy schedules to meet each other and Celebrate festivals.

Today ,all events including marriages are Celebrated on Zoom.

Classroom is Zoom.Food is Zomato. Movies are Netflix.

Today, Technology has Connected us well to Virtuality

But  dis-Connected us from Reality.


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