
Showing posts from February, 2022

#Break the bias.

 March 8 every year, International Women's Day is celebrated all over the world.  #Break the the Campaign Theme of IWD2022. This blog is dedicated to each and every ......irrespective of gender, color,shape,size,race,culture, religion,region....who have fought hard to successfully break the bias. Y2K....sent the whole internet society in a frenzy.At the same time the new millennium opened up to many protests breaking biases and barriers. What started as a cry got globally ignited to huge extent...courtesy digital media. Suddenly the whole world was forced to change prefixed perception .Any form of doubts,hesitation, uncertainty were thrashed. So many things which were thought .....unimaginable.....unacceptable.....impossible...became a reality. Kamala Harris became Vice President of USA. In a country filled with sexism,racism, capitalism...a Black woman born to Indian immigrant,mixed race,humble belonging....was elected by the people of the country. Indra Nooyi broke th

ALTRUISM: The Real Mantra.

 Recently, attended funeral services of an Octagenarian- a kind,simple,jovial Philanthropist. Many people from all walks of life were seen paying their heartfelt condolences.  One of his kids commented" My father except for making money...did all other activities in life." The Irony of Success. Is endless pursuit and possession of wealth,power and knowledge.....all the three or anyone of the three......rates a man ....a Success or Failure in his life? Does achieving or even striving to achieve any of the above lead to true happiness.  Pursuing above like sailing in a boat towards Horizon. The quest to achieve more never allows us to touch the shores ever. The journey will be limitless to infinity.  The key to Success and Happiness of mind is ALTRUISM  ALTRUISM is caring about others needs and Happiness above ours. Doing things simply out of desire without compulsion of duty,obligation out of loyalty or any religious reasons.  Doing things out of concern towards o