ALTRUISM: The Real Mantra.

 Recently, attended funeral services of an Octagenarian- a kind,simple,jovial Philanthropist.

Many people from all walks of life were seen paying their heartfelt condolences. 

One of his kids commented" My father except for making money...did all other activities in life."

The Irony of Success.

Is endless pursuit and possession of wealth,power and knowledge.....all the three or anyone of the three......rates a man ....a Success or Failure in his life?

Does achieving or even striving to achieve any of the above lead to true happiness. 

Pursuing above like sailing in a boat towards Horizon.

The quest to achieve more never allows us to touch the shores ever.

The journey will be limitless to infinity. 

The key to Success and Happiness of mind is ALTRUISM 

ALTRUISM is caring about others needs and Happiness above ours.

Doing things simply out of desire without compulsion of duty,obligation out of loyalty or any religious reasons. 

Doing things out of concern towards other person without care of his background or without expectations of returns of the favor.

A pure act of kindness out of purity of thoughts.

Any altruistic act unknowingly done by us brings immense sense of satisfaction and happiness. 

Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu kadachana//Ma karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostavakarmani.

Your right is to perform your duty never to the results.Never be motivated by the results of your actions, nor should you be attached to the results or to not performing your duty.Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities.

Niswarth Karma.Altruism


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