#Break the bias.

 March 8 every year, International Women's Day is celebrated all over the world. 

#Break the bias.....is the Campaign Theme of IWD2022.

This blog is dedicated to each and every ......irrespective of gender, color,shape,size,race,culture, religion,region....who have fought hard to successfully break the bias.

Y2K....sent the whole internet society in a frenzy.At the same time the new millennium opened up to many protests breaking biases and barriers. What started as a cry got globally ignited to huge extent...courtesy digital media.

Suddenly the whole world was forced to change prefixed perception .Any form of doubts,hesitation, uncertainty were thrashed.

So many things which were thought .....unimaginable.....unacceptable.....impossible...became a reality.

Kamala Harris became Vice President of USA. In a country filled with sexism,racism, capitalism...a Black woman born to Indian immigrant,mixed race,humble belonging....was elected by the people of the country.

Indra Nooyi broke the glass ceiling of the highly competitive corporate world and headed the mega Conglomerate organization PepsiCo.

Gita Gopinath became Chief Economist of IMF( International Monetary Fund).

India too saw a revolutionary begining in Y2K.

2019,April 8....Nandini Harinath and Ritu Karidhal headed MOM...Mars Orbiter Mission by ISRO successfully. 

Women not only entered professional forces which were thought to be exclusively Male Domain...but some even spearheaded them to magnificent success.

September 2020,1875 female officers were inducted in auxiliary units of Armed forces. 

23 August,2021,5 women officers cleared promotion to rank of Colonel in Combat Support Arms in Indian Army.

Seema Rao became first woman Commando trainer.

Justice Nagarathna will be first woman Chief Justice of India in 2027.The Indian Judiciary system has seen very few women. representatives. 

You empower a man,you empower only him.

You empower a woman,the whole millennium gets revolutionized.

The introduction of microfinance and global digital technology spread awareness in many women especially rural strata.Many small scale businesses run by women got benefitted.This made a huge impact on poverty alleviation,socioeconomic empowerment and GDP growth of India.

I am from medical fraternity. I am proud to present some statistics .

1990,average share of female doctors in India was only29%.

In 2000,it grew to 38%.

In 2015,female doctors are at par to their male counterparts. Though the gender disproportion does exist today....but I am sure we women will Break the Bias and Barriers soon.

I want to conclude by saying...no one is superior nor inferior to anyone. 

I only hope a day will come where each individual- irrespective of gender,color,race,caste,religion,region,shape,size,-......as equal.No differentiation,Apartheid,hesitation against each other.Just ONE HUMAN RACE.

As John Lennon felt in his song IMAGINE....

Imagine.....all the people...

Living for today. 

Nothing to kill or die for 

No religion too.

Imagine all the people 

Living life in peace.

No need for greed or hunger.

Imagine all the people 

Sharing all the world. 

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one.I hope someday you'll join me ....

And the world will live as one.


  1. You are right. We have progressed quite a distance when it comes to women's empowerment. But there is still a long way to go and each step forward in that direction should cheered loudly.


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