Remembering Vasant Kaka

 Remembering Vasant Kaka........

Vasant Kaka, my favorite Maushi....Surekha Maushi 's husband......

Vasant Kaka was CA. He knew all the Articles by number and word to word..he would rattle. Just like a Doctor rattling drugs and syndromes. 


He was Man of great tastes. Best food,cars,Suits, Literature, Music,Theatre,Travel.

He used to love having people around him.

Vasant Kaka was the one who taught me fine dining, etiquette of fine dining. 

Vasant Kaka taught importance of fitness and protocol based lifestyle. He used to give example of the great politician Shri Sharad Powar saheb. 

Discipline, sincerity to work,Passion towards Profession was what he stressed when myself and Priya were taken out for grand luncheon. 

He has always been very proud of my education performance and encouraged me to give my best. 

Ganya and Pinkya....he called Priya and me.

He came all the way from Pune to Hubli for my engagement, 1st month wedding anniversary, my first work place ( SDM dental college operation theatre),Aditya 's birth.

He taught me investment and banking. 

He sternly used to say" Pinkya, tax evasion kadhich karaycha nahin Sincerely tax bharayche."

PPF, Pension schemes etc he would enquire. 

I used to call him Dev Anand.

He loved packing us in his  red Maruti 800 and zoom at night through Poona University .He would play his fav" Hai hai yeh nigahen.......he he he 


3 years back, when Maushi informed about Kaka diagnosed and operated for Multiple Myeloma.....I went to visit him.

I was sad when I saw evergreen, full of life Vasant Kaka had become weak after Chemotherapy. 

He angrily said" Bagh Pinkya,tumhi Doctorani majhi kai awastha keli aahe."

Even I was in tears seeing a helpless Vasant Kaka. 

Second time I went to visit him,he had further weakened. But he made efforts to get up, called me bedside and enquired about my medical practice, Aditya 's NEET result and blessed Adi for securing Medical seat. He told Adi to match up with my education career. 

Sunday 10th April, Surekha Maushi called up informing Vasant Kaka had slipped into coma.

Monday, I got to know that he was no longer with us.

I had mixed feelings. 

As Doctor, felt relieved because Kaka 's suffering from the pain of Multiple Myeloma got over.

But sad that I lost my favorite Vasant Kaka. 

One who introduced me to best of everything. Even French wine 🍷. 

Cheers Vasant Kaka. I am sure you may be enjoying your shots up there.🙏


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