Can I have it all?

 My blogs are based on my personal experience, life struggles and my decisions  

I neither intend to preach anyone nor protest against anything or anybody. 

I often get comments " Lucky you"." Blessed person "." Lady from affluent and progressive backgrounds ,how will you know travails and ordeals faced by the other section of radical society?".

Friends, indeed I am grateful to Almighty for everything I have.I have always been surrounded since birth by strong women.

My late grandmother Indirabai Navalgund was a matriculate of her times.A widow with small kids fought all circumstances. 

My aunts were teachers. They have taught poor children free of cost and great Philanthropists even through meagre backgrounds. 

My Mother, a post graduate after her marriage and 2 kids.She worked till her retirement with a good work family Balance.

My late Mother in law was a doctor with good private practice and hospital. She worked even after childbirth and fight against cancer. 

I have been surrounded by cousins ,friends and colleagues who inspired and motivated me to strike a work and family balance and a social life too.

Many young girls today ask the question 

" Is it worth putting a prolific career at stake for marriage and kids?"

My answer is.....You don't have to sacrifice anything...  neither career nor family life to pursue your dreams .

Women are born multitasking.We have patience,tolerance and indomitable fighting spirit. We are born nurturers. 

Finding the right partner and surrounding ourselves with like minded people will not only support us but also motivate us to perform better in whatever is our passion. 

I belong to an affluent family. When my kids were infants... commonly was asked

" Why leave infants in others care when you have it all?"

Do I become a selfish mother who leaves her dependent babies in order to pursue her passion?

No.I don't feel monetary gains should be the only criteria for a Feminist. 

I felt my education, knowledge and skills can contribute to society and save lives .

I felt I owe my medical knowledge to benefit my country and countrymen.

I never neglected my home,family and kids.I have always been there for every important aspect of my kids...physically and mentally supported them.

Has the process been easy?

NO.Not at all.Herculean task for every working woman indeed.

I never shied from asking help .I am grateful to every person for that support..

I believe that we alone need to step forward to better our life.

You will get that helping hand only if you put efforts to come out of the well.

Nobody is born lucky or blessed enough. 

We ourselves need to work out our priorities and find solutions to fight against all odds.

Our struggles we have to face ourselves. 

End we get applause and be inspiration for other girls who want to all.



Only if YOU  desire ........

..............You want....... .

............. You aspire.......

.............You focus.........

.............You face..........

............You fight.......

You achieve.

You and only You.



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