Do Hanson ka Joda

 A state when Orbicularis Oris gets Myoclonic initially followed by Juxtaposition. 

Heart goes into Supraventricular Tachycardia followed by Premature Ventricular Contractions.

Over riding of Dopamine. 

Over surge of Oxytocin hormone flow. 

Medical Description of LOVE. 

Love is a beautiful feeling. Each one of us at some moment has developed feelings of love.

Whether similar feelings have got reciprocated is different story altogether. 

When I entered Sewagram, most romantic and never forgetting was seeing 2 people....Hanson ka Joda......sitting on a cosy (?) Stone ,totally immersed into each other, oblivious of the surrounding world.

Ah! What a beautiful feeling 😍 

MGIMS has history of many such inter ( between 2 different batches) and intra ( within the same batch) love pairs.

The Intra Batch couple were lauded because they would be Pride Of That Particular Batch.

In years to come, the batch would be remembered by their names. History would be narrated in their names to future generations of MGIMS. 

We had heard many interesting tales of Epic couples in Love in MBBS days of MGIMS. 

One which I felt to be Epitome of True Love was.....  

One medical senior boy was totally smitten for a junior batch girl.He spoke volumes about his love.So one day, his love was challenged by his Batchmates. 

To prove his True feelings and profess his undying love to his Lady and the world.... he actually peed on a live wire.

Everyone was shocked. But it won the love of his beloved and even today are together ❤ professing their love oversees. ( Courtesy Facebook pics)

MGIMS has witnessed Love at first sight, first day of MBBS. Even enjoying decades of marital bliss today.

Though my batch didn't witness First Day...Love.......

But we were witness to a beautiful  batchmate's journey of Teen crush ,Smitten Love and following Marital bliss with our Senior .

Though we girls were elated to have  .a

" Couple " last in history of our batch ....our beautiful batchmate broke many longing hearts. 

We enjoyed the moments of  fresh young love of our batchmate . The Hysteria,the romance of budding love, mock fights,Cajoling an angry lover on the terrace of respective hostels,playing footsie in Library.......Unforgettable .

It was such a pleasure meeting them during our  Reunion ,25 years laterand seeing them so much 💕 in Love ,  along with their 2 beautiful daughters.....Very overwhelming.

Then during internship,another Clinical batchmate surprised us one day, in Sindhoor and Mangalsutra. " Guys,I got married "

Shocked and elated.

Shocked to know Yin and Yan.....2 extremely opposite personalities, falling in love and tying the knot.He was our Senior.Calm and Suave.  She bubbly, hysterical,unpredictable. 

Elated.They proved " Opposites attracted each other strongly"

The only thing common was " Their Heights"

Both were very guaranteed of tall kids in future.This lovely couple is even today still the nature....she whacky....he composed.....2 Tall beautiful kids..... today posting videos of they prancing together in the woods of Canada. 

But disheartening was....throughout 5 and half years of MBBS, our 1992 batch didn't have any Intra Batch pair to be boast. 

Thankfully during rural service and Post graduation period.....our batch at last finally got 2 couples amongst our own Batchmates. 

Friends, you may be wondering about my romance in Sewagram. 

Well,I failed to love any human being total one piece. 


Ha ha. Let me clarify. 

I used to be attracted to Only Eyes of a Person......Dimpled Smile of another Person .......and .....Can you believe this..... Protruding Out Elephant like Big Ears of one Senior boy.....Funny Infatuation.

So that Love Seat...that one experience eluded me in Sewagram. 

Dear Friends......Love ,a beautiful feeling, must be cherished by everyone. That beautiful moment or just the pleasure of having lovable feelings towards some some point in our entire life.. . 

It is not necessary our feelings need to be reciprocated back.Not necessary every love story should be culminated to the altar.Not necessary every Love story should meet Happily Forever End.....

Just reminisce and enjoy the purity and pleasures and happiness we felt....when in love. Enjoy the feelings of being special for someone or feeling special for someone.

Zindagi Pyar Ka Geet Hai....

Ise Har Dil ko gaana padega.....


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