My Experience with Gandhian philosophy and Grass root.

 Dear Friends, from my previous blogs you all know that I am Alumnii of a rural based MGIMS, Sewagram. 

What is being MGIMS ian? Why are we so proud of our Alma Mater?

The fun and frolic I have mentioned in my previous blogs are experiences of every medical student at any generation and any place.But how is my college MGIMS, Sewagram different for which the Alumnii are respected worldwide......

Our beloved Behenji was Mahatma Gandhiji 's favorite daughter. Bapuji always wished for a hospital to be started in Sewagram for benefit of grassroots around.

Badi Behenji fulfilled Bapuji 's wish and started Hospital,  in memory of Kasturba, there in Sewagram. 

When she became Union Health Minister, under the aegis of Kasturba Health Society, a medical college in name of Gandhiji....

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram came into being in 1969.

Badi Behenji aporoached young Doctors of AIIMS, Delhi and also surrounding Sewagram ,Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh.She shared her vision of Gandhism and service to Grass Root with those young Doctors. 

These dedicated Doctors gave up their brilliant career opportunities abroad and metro cities in India and decided to start their family and medical career in a village called Sewagram.....60km from Nagpur city. The village had only the college campus,surrounding poor villages and lush greenery. 

Today, this rural based MGIMS, Sewagram stands out amongst top medical colleges in India. 

In MGIMS, every body not only reads Gandhiji 's book " My Experiments with Truth and Ahimsa " but follows it as part of curriculum and daily basis. 

Every one compulsory has to wear Khadi only. Shramdaan and prayers are conducted every Friday.

Every one spins Charkha. Yes,dear friends, I too have spun yarn from Charkha and made a  Khadi handkerchief  for myself. 

I have cleaned toilets in Bapu Kuti and cleaned vast playgrounds. 

As part of Community Medicine, every batch, has to adopt one surrounding village.

My 1992 batch had adopted a village named Suklibai.

For 2 weeks,we stayed in Suklibai to get oriented to Grass roots and the villagers around.

After that every month one Saturday, we visited Suklibai.

Each student was assigned 3 to 4 families- 20 to 30 members total. 

Students had to supervise Health,Hygiene,Medical problems and even Psycho social ,Domestic, Financial issues of every member assigned of all age groups. 

Vitamin deficiency, AnaemiaGastroenteritis, Eye checkup,antenatal care,Geriatrics care.. all were screened,diagnosed and treated.

Surveys and talks in surrounding schools and colleges was done by us Students  

I had prepared charts on Dental Hygiene for small school children.It was fun.

I remember one Geriatrics 70 year old hugged me and with folded hands and reverence " Doctrinbai, thank you for treating my Cataract. I can now see everything ". A sense of pride and importance to a young 18 yr old me.A true feeling of achievement. 

In Mumbai, my friends pursuing other fields were posting pictures of they partying,wearing latest trends,enjoying in canteens and bunking lectures. And here I was wearing Khadi Apron posted in a poor village, staying in makeshift tents and pits as toilets.I was surrounded by goats,cows,and buffaloes. I was building Compost pits,constructing toilets in villages,and moving around in villages surveying kids for deficiency ,anemia and worm infestation, Ante Natals, Geriatrics for Hypertension, Blood pressure, Cataract.

A city girl who never left her house was now amongst Grass roots. 

Did any of us regret or felt disappointed?


The excitement of village life- fields,Water pumps, Lakes,Rivers, Bullock cart rides.The simplicity, warmth and affection for us in the eyes of the Villagers. The respect everyone - Kids,women,youth, old and village heads,Sarpanch- gave us.....boosted our morale. 

People giving a young teen Doctor so much of importance, gave us all proud of ourselves. 

A young girl who can't even boil milk..or getting panicked seeing lice in her head ever in life.........could solve Domestic problems, Social problems,Psychological issues,of the family members she was entrusted with....Seniors of the family looking up to my every word. Youth listening to my advice......

The Surveys we conducted helped in reforming policies and introduction of new schemes for welfare of society by the Government of India . It was overwhelming. 

I felt like a VIA ( Very Important Adult)

.Values,Ethics,and Ideologies can never be forced into an individual. They need to seep into deep in the system of an individual. 

The Gandhian principles and services to country and Grass roots. .....was backbone of MGIMS, Sewagram. 

The Institute not only had them in the curriculum but each and every member of the college actually practiced them in reality.

The Faculty was so dedicated and sincere that it was inculcated in their children also.

My friends who were born in Sewagram campus,....had their Parents as Dean,Medical Superintendent, Director, HODs......were so simple and down to earth.Never threw their prominence or importance around us.They were and behaved just like any student in the campus.

Faculty was very strict and disciplined in the college.But very affectionate and caring outside. 

Medicine was sincerely taught by the College. At the same time, Ethics of Medical practices, responsibilities of a Doctor towards country and society most important Gandhism actually grew inside us.

A young,unassuming and ignorant youth entered into MGIMS, Sewagram. After 5 and half years,this Institute gave the nation a confident, dedicated and sincere 22yr old Doctor. 

Today we MGIMS products are spread in all parts of the world,cities and villages.Our work  and contributions speak volumes of our Institute. 

Proud to be MGIMS ian.


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