My GuruDakshina.

 30 years back,July 1992,a 17yr old girl and her father got down early morning from Sewagram Express on Wardha Station. Both had no idea about that place and also the place where they were to go further. 

The teen had secured admission to MBBS in MGIMS, Sewagram. The magnitude of the achievement and the grandeur of the Institute both father and daughter were ignorant as there was no " Doctor " in the family. 

That teen was me.I was sad because of losing out on KEM medical college, Mumbai ( a dream of every Mumbaikar).

I had stood 10th rank in All India enterance Maharashtra quota of MGIMS, Sewagram. 

But was totally unaware of my proud achievement. 

MGIMS, Sewagram was a rural based medical college run by Kasturba Health Society and started in 1969 by Badi Behenji Dr Sushila Nayar who was then Union Health Minister and aided by Central Government of India.

I had mixed feelings on day of joining. 

Excitement of becoming a Doctor but for first time staying away from family. The thought of leaving home and Aamchi Mumbai was heartbreaking. 

" How will a Mumbai born Teen survive 5 and half years of rural Sewagram?"

Sewagram was geographically and culturally opposite to Mumbai.

The harsh weather ( 50deg summer and 15deg winter) and the Congress grass around brought in various health issues which made 5 and 1/2 years intolerable in Sewagram. 

But MGIMS- Institute- college, faculty, students- helped me overcome all problems and I not only completed MBBS with flying colors but took back the best best moments and wonderful memories to be remembered fondly and cherishing lifetime. 

Faculty of MGIMS was strict regarding studies and discipline. Medicine though was taught Victorian style, it was not draconian. It was taught with passion, sincerity and dedication. 

MGIMS was run on Gandhian principles.Shramdaan and rural welfare was a major part in curriculum and was strictly followed. 

But at the same time all festivals of India were celebrated with fervor Institute accepted students from all spans of world and country.

The Myth " MBBS students are nerdy and boring. "" MBBS is only studies,dissection, bodies,patients,wards" was broken by students of MGIMS. 

Not only were the students good in Medicine but each one was Kohinoor in their own field of extra curricular activities. 

Art,Dance,Drama,Singing, Literature, Sports,Public speaking all interests were entertained and encouraged. 

I have participated in so many dances and plays in cultural events. I had sung inaugural song and received appreciation from President Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma. 

I was a blob of clay.MGIMS, Sewagram molded into a fine personality out of me.

My Guru Dakshina to my reputed Alma Mater is in form of my selfless medical service to my country and society .

So that everyone around should feel like asking me " Tripti,you are product of which Institute?"

To which I take great pride and honor

" Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical  Sciences( MGIMS),Sewagram."


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