
Showing posts from August, 2022

Oh my Friend Ganesha

 Why Gannuji is most adored...... My perspective..... Ganapati, Gajanana, Gajanana......Gannuji........ The Elephant God, with a big round belly......such a big body sitting on such a tiny mouse for transport.... A snake tied to the bursting huge belly.  A single big tusk. Big Ears. And a queer shaped favorite sweet dish called Modak. Very fascinating.  Very intersesting.  For any kid .... So this diety has songs by kids  Oh my friend Ganesha Tu rehna saath hamesha........ On most traditional families.....there are long, daunting Pooja rituals for other Deities.......lots of rules,regulations and restrictions which have been followed in name of rigid customs and regulations.  But our dear Gannuji...... is people friendly, easy going and relaxed deity.  Anybody irrespective of caste,religion,sex,color,race can bring Gannuji home.  Gannuji loves decorations,creativity, themes made especially for him. Gannuji loves songs and dance of any form.....even  Rap and Jhankar beats. Gannuji loves

Exam fever

 Exam Days in B block Girls hostel.  The most entertaining period for me as I loved watching people and surrounding in Girls Hostel   The 1 month Preparations leave especially in Final year is "mostest" entertaining.  Why..... 7 subjects to study at a stretch. Long period of Exam which had Paper 1 and 2 of each subject.  Viva voce another Long and strenuous...mentally and physically.  Final MBBS- had questions, even long 20marks from 1st year Anatomy or Physiology one had to be thoroughly prepared with entire 4 and half years....all subjects. QUITE A TASK. FULL ON PRESSURE.  Each girl had her own style of studying, schedule of studying.  Some staying awake whole night. So these ones had aroma of Coffee, Maggi stimulating  the bhukkad me to get up from deep slumber.  There were ones who would suddenly start loud music anytime of day. Then depending upon the mood swings of Girls that moment.... Either an impromptu Flash Dance would start in the quandrangle or...... A Bil