Anna he Parabrahma

Anna he Parabrahma. 
Food is blessing of Almighty. Eating good food or just food is Divine. 
The importance of this Sanskrit sentence I understood during MBBS days in Sewagram. 
Hostel and food don't go well. 
Hostel life with friends is great.but Hostel food😱  In Sewagram, the food and food habits were totally different from what I had eaten home.
At home, it was typical Brahminical cuisine....Rice,Sambhar, veggies with no garlic or onion, lots of coconut. 
But Sewagram was 360deg opposite. 
There were veggies with funny names...Dhemse, Tinde,.....never heard nor eaten in my life. 
First time I saw Brinjal being cooked in total. Along with its end. When served in mess,the overcooked Brinjals looked like a dead Entire Rat with its long tail.
Our Warden was a teetotaller. She never liked to waste anything. 
So she invented an innovative idea.....the Methi leaves would be made into Aloo Methi. 
And next day, the ends of the Methi (   डेठ) would be rolled into be served as Methi poori. 
There was a unique combination to satiate both Northies and Marathis.....Pithla and Rajma together. 
There was Aloo in everything. Aloo Bhindi, Aloo Methi,Aloo Tinde, Aloo Dhemse.....we had to search the other veggies in the sea of deep fried Aloos. 
Feast was Gajar Halwa sometimes. Most of the time was Vanilla icecream.
A fussy kid at home...was well tamed in Sewagram Whenever I used to reach home, would raid the fridge and eat even 2 days old Karela sabji. 
Also learnt to eat veggies like Double beans which detested at home.
I also learnt importance of Cold drinkingwater......a luxury in hostel. The water to drink would be warm and the water to bathe would be cold 😟
We used to eagerly wait for someone who would bring home food once a while and everyone would troop on it.
I used to be so hungry in Sewagram that I myself would get shocked seeing my appetite. 
Internship days were 50:50 Maska Chaska.
We had some great cook in Anji rural posting and at same time a strenuous clinical posting surviving on only tea and glucose biscuits ( Courtesy Obstetrics PGs).
The last day of Sewagram, I had tears....of joy of surviving those days and tears of separation from lovely friends made in Sewagram. 
Dr Mehta Sir 's parting words " If you have survived can survive anywhere and with anyone ".....
Boss, u were 💯✔️
Our Alma Mater not only taught us Medicine but also made us strong to face the outside world.


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