Birth and Rebirth.

 One morning, I saw a tiny centipede on the floor in my kitchen.It was moving slowly and just crawling ahead.After 7 days,I saw the centipede in my drawing room.

What takes me 7 seconds, the centipede covered 7 days.For that tiny creature, my small home was like an adventure and agenda was covering that distance. 

What if God makes me this centipede in my next birth......

Homosapiens are the only being on Earth and Universe to be gifted with a THINKING Brain- a functional Limbic system and Hippocampus area of Brain.Hence,Man can think of Science,Technology, Arts,Commerce- which can help to utilize resources and Surroundings on Planet Earth- for a Quality Life.Man can protect himself and his Surroundings by his intellectual property. Man can exploit anything and everything around him.

At an average...we Humans have only 30 to 40 yrs of actual productive life.

The initial years is spent in mounding and building life.

The last few years in Aging.

So only 30 yrs in between of fruitful life.

So 30 yrs× 365 days of 1 year× 24 hours of a day.

Average few Lakhs of Productivity. 

In this statistics, some of us would be fortunate to have more.

But some unfortunate to have less than the Average.

And God knows ......whether rebirth as Human may happen or not.

What if next birth ,I am born a centipede......

So dear Friends, we should be grateful to God for giving us a Human form this Birth.

We must utilise this Birth in developing skills,gaining experience and improving productivity. We must fill this wonderful life with Laughter,Happiness and Peace.We should be Eager,Curious and Inquisitive ever to make our stay on this Planet worthwhile and asset to society. We must inculcate good habits,healthy lifestyle and Good morals,Ethics,culture and traditions. 

Philanthropy and Spirituality do help us Humans in achieving all of these.Let's make every second of this Birth cherishable and memorable. 

Let us not waste this precious gift of Human form the Almighty has blessed cursing,despising,cribbing.....

Burning ourselves with anger,envy,wrath,hatred.

Wasting in cheap gossip, trolls,vices,addiction, abuse.

Let us strive to make our life and this World a better place to live.

I am thankful to Gid for this Birth.I pray to God for Rebirth as a Homosapien only.


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