Is Kind kinda Stupid


Yes heard this word oft about me.

During Post graduation period, many colleagues would come with pleading voices asking for, emotional support and most times for extra night shifts replacement. As a result I would be doing 72 hours continuous Operation theatre work without break.At month end I would be exhausted both physically and financially. 

And even more hurt when these Smart alecks would term me STUPID and Gullible. An Emotional fool who could be easily manipulated by their cooked up emotional stories.

Did I learn anything from this?

Did I change my nature?


Even in Adulthood, I have been called an Emotional Fool for helping Smart people....doing free Anaesthesia cases,going out of my way and out of my means helping people. 

Today do I teach my kids not to be Kind?

Not help people?

Not to be generous?

I teach my kids to be Genuine.

The generation has people driven by Ego,Arrogance, Status,Power,Money.

They feel they are smart to manipulate everything and anything for their personal gains.

Result...good souls get ruined daily.

I maynot leave behind me materialistic inheritance. 

But am sure,I will leave behind a legacy of good values,kindness ,good will,warm wishes and loads of love for my future generations .


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