Life's a Filter Coffee......

 Every morning I enjoy a cuppa hot Freshly brewed Filter Coffee.I brew previous day.The decoction is prepared by over night percolation .The aroma and taste of this pain stakingly prepared Filter Coffee remains fresh and Everlasting in my mind and tastebuds. 

In Contrast to this my 2 minutes only Instant Coffee as per its name vanishes off in the same speed as its preparation  

In Life, Success too is like my Cuppa Coffee.

Success achieved through Instant Gratification through Short termed Goals is not well appreciated. It doesn't bring great thrill nor long term happiness.The taste of this Success doesn't last long forever. 

In our pursuit for Instant Gratification, we get distracted, hasty ,unstable, unsteady and at times reckless.This recklessness at times becomes self destroying.We remain unfulfulfilled,unhappy and depressed.A lack of self discipline and narrow minded thinking creeps into our impatient mind.We fall into the trap of indulging in fleeting pleasures, a trap to gain something out of nothing with just snap of finger.

On the other hand.... Success achieved after years of perseverance,hard work,pain,turbulations, rejections, failures.....just like my Filter coffee.......Act of Delayed Gratification....lasts forever. We learn to appreciate this Success well. It helps to strengthen our mind,will power and shapes our character well .

For clarification of our vision and Goals in life....we need to ask ourselves following questions 

1. What do I want to achieve?

2. Why do I want to achieve?

3 How will I achieve this?

4..Why is it so important for me to work towards my vision?

Only then will we refrain from falling in trap of temptations that catch us off guard.We won't get side tracked by fleeting pleasures.We will remain strong willed about our beliefs and character. We will not become indecisive or uncertain about our vision.

This Success achieved through Patience and Resilience remains with us Forever just like my morning Cuppa Filter Coffee.


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