Life's a Marathon

 This year,November 20th,Hubli Fitness Club is organizing a Marathon-5k,10k and Half Marathon. This club was started by Fitness enthusiasts in Hubli.The members, you won't believe,are from age group 10yrs to 80+ yrs.

I got initiated into running when introduced to this club by one of the Doctors in my hospital, a Radiologist by profession. The Club members train regularly and on LSOM( Last Sunday of every month) run long runs.

By the way, friends,this blog is not about Fitness. 

Initially, I started to run,my body was in total revolt. Rigid and reluctant. 

In due course of regular runs,I realised one thing for Body was not cut for long runs.

Forget a Full Marathon of 42 k,.....I gasped to complete a 10k.

Did I stop running?


I realised that Life and it's journey is very similar to running a Marathon.

When we get introduced to running, we are all excited with big dreams.Then gradually we realise the tenacity of the entire process.

Our body protests.......but if we are truly motivated ,the challenge is accepted by the Mind.

While we are struggling to find our pace,.....we are surpassed by Runners who do it effortlessly and run like the wind.

The Marathon has easy downhills where we just romp and pomp......

Then come the steep strenuous that we sometimes gasp for air and feel like quitting.

But the Marathon is challenging and exciting because of these elevations. 

Similarly, even the journey called Life is full of ups and downs.

In case of a difficult phase or situations, instead of quitting......we need to slow down or pause for a breath......and continue. Never exit.

Just like Marathon, only few reach the Podium.......people who couldn't make it....don't get disappointed or discouraged. 

Accept the limitations of our body, enjoy the feelings of participation and rejoice others  success.

Those who reached the podium,appreciate your hard work but don't ridicule the unfortunate......because.....You got the medal when your timings were compared to those who were slow.

A Marathon teaches us discipline, resilience and strong mind control .Along with improving our body fitness externally......Marathon works on our mental strength.

In life too just like we run a Marathon, our focus should be on completing the run and enjoying the entire process.

More than winning, the thrill of participation is more important. 

So dear Friends, enjoy the run of Life.Do not compare. Do not compromise.Work sincerely and believe in yourself. 

Accept the path offered to you by Life. Face the elevations ( difficult phase)....enjoy the easy slopes........

Everybody Run Run Run ........

But at your own pace. 

Take a Breath.

But don't ever Quit.


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